Seeking Christ Website
Community Help. Glory To God!
928 17th Street
Bakersfield, Ca 93301
The first Saturday of every month we have a street outreach. We go to the malls, market places, streets, and neighborhoods with the desire and passion to see heaven invade earth through power, signs, and wonders. Anyone is welcome to join us at 10AM at the River and pray together to see who God wants us to minister to. We break up into teams and go around our city healing the sick, hurt, and broken. We give encouragement and speak destiny over people. Together we’ll see people healed, delivered, and saved through the power of Jesus. Come join us!
Chris Bumatay
Calvary Chapel Bakersfield
(661) 397-6000
6501 Schirra Ct
Bakersfield, CA 93313
Fridays @ 6:30 pm in the Cafe
Join us in The Porch Cafe.
St. Philip Church
7100 Stockdale Hwy
Bakersfield, CA 93309
Promotes an understanding of wholistic healing – body, mind, and spirit, acknowledging that all healing is from God. Educates about the relationship between values, attitudes, lifestyle, faith, and health. Makes home, hospital, and nursing home visits to help people cope with health issues and offer the sacraments of the church to promote healing. Makes referrals to parish and community resources. Support groups such as GriefShare, Alzheimer’s Caregivers, and more. Listens, and supports parishioners to help them do what they can do, and helps them communicate their needs. Facilitates a large corps of volunteers to help do all of the above! For more information contact Mayela Guerrero at 661-847-8471
Helpful links:
St. Philip’s Health Care Ministry makes home, hospital, and nursing home visits to help people cope with health issues and offer the sacraments of the church to promote healing. Lay ministers visit homebound parishioners once a week to pray, give communion, and to offer companionship and a connection to the church. In addition, arrangements can be made for a priest to visit when there is a need for anointing of the sick for a seriously ill parishioner.
To request a minister or priest to visit, please call the church office or the Health Care Ministry.
If you would like to submit a prayer request, please call or email. Volunteers pray for the needs of our parish. Prayer requests are sent out by email, and in a monthly prayer letter.
Requests for the Prayers for the Sick in the bulletin should be submitted with a contact phone numbers. Names are listed up to six months.
GriefShare is a special thirteen week seminar/support group for people grieving the death of someone close. It’s a place where you can be around people who understand how you feel and the pain of your loss. If you have lost someone close to you, or know someone that has, please call for more information about this weekly support group.We know it hurts, and we want to help.This thirteen week group is offered twice a year at St. Philip’s, February through May, and July through October, facilitated by people who have also experienced their own losses. In addition, Surviving the Holidays is offered in November. If you are in need of a group and St. Philip’s does not have a group currently meeting when you can attend, the Health Care Ministry office is here to help you find a group in Bakersfield that meets your needs.For more information about GriefShare, please visit www.GriefShare.org. This website has many helpful resources.
This group is for people who enjoy knitting and crocheting, or would like to learn. While enjoying each other’s company, we knit and crochet blankets, scarves, hats, and other items that are donated for a variety of community organizations. Yarn is supplied by the ministry through generous donations. Mary B’s meets the second and fourth Wednesday afternoons year round, with the exception of November and December.
Alzheimer’s Disease is a very difficult journey for the whole family. If you are a caregiver for a family member with dementia or Alzheimer’s, you know how difficult it is. This is a group that meets once a month to give caregivers a place to share with others, and to offer support, compassion, coping skills, and friendship.Please call for the current day and time.
Autumn Gospel is a group for women of all ages in transition because of moving, health changes, family, retirement, life! The group members support each other as we share our lives. We usually have a spiritual book to read and discuss during our first hour, and the second hour is devoted to reading and studying the Sunday scriptures. Autumn Gospel meets Thursday mornings September through May.
VOLUNTEER Ministry to Retirement and Nursing Homes and the Homebound:
Participate with a team of people who lead communion services at nursing home and retirement centers on a weekly basis.
Assist with one or more of nine monthly Masses at nursing homes and retirement centers.
Visit the homebound, providing the Eucharist and a companion for a lonely person who cannot get to Mass.
Training for volunteers in the nursing home ministry are offered twice a year, or as needed. Other volunteer opportunities:Serve as a prayer minister to pray for the many needs of our parish and community.Serve on a GriefShare leaders’ team as a co-leader, greeter, or on the prayer team.Send greeting cards to those in nursing homes, retirement centers, and the homebound.Knit, crochet, or sew prayer blankets for those who are ill. This is a tangible sign of the community’s prayer.Serve with a committee of other medically trained volunteers to provide blood pressure screening and first aid at parish events.
Power House Church
6515 Fruitvale Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93308
Love Demands Action (LDA) is an outreach ministry of Power House Church, where the team weekly hits the local communinty to share the Love of God with others. Praying for people's healing, encouraging those who are hurting, and witnessing to people in need of a Savior. Loving others and putting that Love into Action is the teams natural response to what Christ did for them.
LDA ministers in multiple places throughout the city. The main components of LDA are to Witness to the lost, Pray for peoples physical healing and felt needs, and Invite people who may not have a church of their own.
Date: 1st, 2nd & 3rd Thursday of each month
Time: 7pm
Location: TBA
The Focus
To offer ourselves within the communities in which we live and serve people with the love of Christ.
The Method
Share the Good News: Share with others the Gospel.
Serve by Example: Serving so as to be a witness and example to others.
Show Them How: Train people to do the same.
Invite others: Invite others to participate in worship.
What does the Word tell us?
"Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone." - Mark 16:15
"I have given you an example, that you do as I have done to you." - John 13:15
"Therefore... make disciples of all the nations." - Matthew 19:28
"I invite you to follow me..." - Mark 1:17
Chester Avenue Community Church
1509 South Chester Avenue
Bakersfield, CA 93304
Food Ministry is on the last Saturday of the Month.
Except for November, and December.
In November and December, Food Ministry is the Saturday before the Holiday.
(Thanksgiving and Christmas)
Food ministry starts at 8:30 am,
but we serve a continental breakfast that starts about 7:45-8:30 am
We can always use help in bagging food.
For more information on this ministry, please contact
Church office: 661-831-7312
Ronnie McLean: 661-201-6452
*We also hand out non-perishable food items during office hours.
Columbus Street Baptist Church
714 Columbus Street
Bakersfield, CA 93305
Celebrate Recovery
Home / Ministries / Celebrate Recovery
Join us for Celebrate Recovery Monday Nights
Fellowship Meal at 6:00pm
Worship and Teaching begin at 6:45pm
Celebrate Recovery 12 steps and scriptures
We admitted we were powerless over our addictions and compulsive behaviors. That our lives had become unmanageable. Romans 7:18 I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out.
Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity. Philippians 2:13 For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God. Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship.
Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves. Lamentations 3:40 Let us examine our ways and test them, and let us return to the LORD.
Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being, the exact nature of our wrongs. James 5:16 Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character. James 4:10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
Humbly asked Him to remove all our shortcomings. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all. Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.
Made direct amends to such people whenever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others. Matthew 5:23-24 Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift.
Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong, promptly admitted it. 1 Corinthians 10:12 So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and power to carry that out. Colossians 3:16a Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly.
Having had a spiritual experience as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and practice these principles in all our affairs. Galatians 6:1 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.
Celebrate Recovery 8 Principles
Realize I’m not God; I admit that I am powerless to control my tendency to do the wrong thing and my life is unmanageable. “Happy are those who know they are spiritually poor”
Earnestly believe that God exists, that I matter to him, and that he has the power to help me recover. “Happy are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted”
Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control. “Happy are the meek”
Openly examine and confess my faults to God, to myself, and to someone I trust. “Happy are the pure in heart”
Voluntarily submit to every change God wants to make in my life and humbly ask Him to remove my character defects. “Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires”
Evaluate all my relationships; Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for harm I’ve done to others except when to do so would harm them or others. “Happy are the merciful” “Happy are the peacemakers”
Reserve a daily time with God for self examination, Bible readings and prayer in order to know God and His will for my life and to gain the power to follow His will.
Yield myself to God to be used to bring this Good News to others, both by my example and by my words. “Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires”
(661) 399-3303
6201 Fruitvale Ave
Bakersfield, CA 93308
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ Centered 12 step ministry where individuals can
find a refuge and safe place to share life’s hurts, habits and hang-ups.
CR is a safe place where one can learn to take off their mask and find God’s grace in solving life’s problems.
It’s a place to learn to make better choices and become strong again.
Celebrate Recovery meets every Friday evening: dinner at 5:30, worship at 6:30.
Learn More
Bakersfield First Assembly
(661) 327-8446
4901 California Ave, Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA
Abuse, Fatherless, Abandonment, Loss of a Loved One, Divorce, Pornography, Gambling, Over-Eating, Co-Dependency, PTSD, Financial Disaster, Fear, Depression, Anxiety, Loneliness, Emptiness, Suicidal Thoughts, OCD, Alcoholism, Drug Addiction...
When you decide you need help with any or many of these things, please join us at Celebrate Recovery every Saturday night at 6:00 PM in the Family Ministry Center!
Find help from hurts, hang-ups and bad habits that can develop in this world of insanity!
What separates Celebrate Recovery from the rest of so many other programs is CHRIST at the center of your recovery!
Step out of denial and KNOW that you are in a safe environment of support and encouragement as you walk away from things that keep you from living a happy and fulfilling life.
Breathe, live life to its fullest and be free!!!
Every Saturday Night at 6:00 PM!
6:00-7:00 Pizza & Social Time!
7:00-8:00 Main Service w Music & a Lesson or Testimony
8:00-9:00 Separate Open-Share Groups for Men & Women
(open-share is anonymous time - what's shared in these groups stays in these groups)
9:00-10:00 Solid Rock Cafe, Social Time
Child care is provided. You do not need to be a member of BFA to attend Celebrate Recovery.
Everyone is welcome at Celebrate Recovery!
*If you need immediate help and would like to talk with someone, check the following avenues of contact and please reach out to us. We would love to help you.
Scott Chapman, CR Minister
Ryan Wood, Co-Leader
Church Office: (661) 327-8446
Email: CR12StepsBako@gmail.com
First Congregational Church of Bakersfield-UCC
(661) 327-1609
5 Real Road
Bakersfield, CA 93309.
COVID-19 has most certainly changed our way of living. Though our food pantry is temporarily closed to walk-ins, we are still distributing free food to our community. Our FREE Food Box distributions will now occur once a month in a drive-thru format in our church parking lot. Please follow us on our FaceBook Page for the date and time of our next food distribution or email us at learnmore@fccbakersfield-ucc.org or leave a voice message at 661-327-1609 for more information.
The Rock Church
(661) 587-7625
1400 Norris Road
Bakersfield, CA 93308
Our Evangelism Team is dedicated to promoting the Good News and reaching the lost by proclaiming salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The Evangelism Team calls on visitors to The ROCK to build relationships with them and encourage them to become living members of Christ’s earthly community. The Evangelism Team will also go house-to-house to engage persons in a spiritual dialogue resulting in professions of faith in Christ.
Food Pantry
The Outreach Ministry maintains a food pantry for use by the members of The ROCK, and at the various outreaches. Canned food donations are always welcomed.
Contact Us
To contact Pastor Ed Barger for more information, CLICK HERE.
Valley Baptist Church Olive Drive Campus
5500 Olive Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93308
I need a care package:
We all need a hand sometimes and Valley Baptist is here to help. During these uncertain times, our goal is to make sure that no one goes hungry. If you have an urgent food need, please contact us at 661-387-6305 or email food@valleybaptist.org and we’ll coordinate getting you a care package.
We have regular supplemental food box distributions most Tuesday evenings from 4:00-5:00pm at Building 9 (Great Room) on our Olive Drive Campus (5500 Olive Drive). These boxes are available by reservation only, but you are welcome to register whenever your household has a need. Registration for Tuesday food boxes is generally open Friday afternoons through Mondays at 11:59pm, or until all available boxes are reserved. You can register by clicking the button below.
I want to help:
Looking for an opportunity for you, your family, or your small group to serve your community during this COVID-19 crisis safely? Valley Baptist, will be collecting and delivering care packages to families in need. We need your help in both the collection and delivery of these items.
Community Resources
List of available resources in your Community and Kern County
(Updated 9/10/20)
Valley Bible Fellowship
2300 East Brundage Lane Bakersfield, CA 93307
Outreach Opportunities
The goal of Adopt-A-Block is to build relationships with the people of Bakersfield, and the key to success is consistency. No gimmicks; just genuine relationships. We want to make a difference in the lives of people living in our city. We want to show them the love of Christ. We do this by visiting door-to-door and spending time with the families, playing games with the kids, handing out clothes, picking up trash, praying for families, and inviting families to church.
Meeting Times: Every second and last Saturday of the month, at VBF in the Xtreme
9:45 am – 10 am: Sign-in
10 am – 10:15 am: Announcements and prayer
10:15 am – 1 pm: Departure to serve blocks
For more information, please contact Al Martinez at 661-325-2251 ext. 115 or alm@vbf.org
When illness or injury strikes, it is comforting to not have to go through it alone. Teams of trained, caring members are available to visit for prayer and encouragement if you or someone you know is hospitalized. To request visitation, contact us here or call the church office during regular business hours at 661.325.2251.
Is a day at the barbecue, grooving to upbeat jams, and basking in the glorious Son your idea of paradise? Bust out the flip-flops and Hawaiian shirt and come on down!
The VBF Block Party Ministry reaches out to local neighborhoods in a joyful celebration of the love of Jesus. Equipped with contemporary worship, cheerful and loving attitudes, and savory free treats from the barbecue, block party teams march into Bakersfield cul-de-sacs with God-powered exuberance! If you’re ready to affect the lost, the lonely, the complacent with your infectious love for Jesus, VBF Block Parties needs you to help set up, clean up, cook, serve, and love people.
Do you enjoy coming alongside people who are hurting? Are you spontaneous? Here’s a practical way to help.
The VBF Funeral Meals Ministry provides a dinner for families during the week they are making funeral plans. Volunteers are needed to pick up a prepared meal (you don’t have to cook) and deliver it to the family. Sign up on a Response Card the next time you are at church.
In a world of isolation and dreariness, a thoughtful letter becomes a message of hope. Are you willing to be the heart of kindness behind that letter?
The VBF Prison Ministry reaches out to inmates with the transforming message of redemption in Christ. The ministry team meets regularly to pray over prisoners and writes letters filled with the love of Jesus. You may not thrive among crowds, but you can affect a positive change in many lives. Your letters will provide the encouragement these inmates need to survive their incarceration.
Friendly faces and caring hearts are needed to reach out to our friends in the VBF neighborhood.
Our VBF Neighborhood Outreach Team exists to show the love of Jesus to those who live in the area surrounding our church. We provide free haircuts and bicycle repairs, paint children’s faces, and offer welcoming smiles to all who come. If you love to help people, come be part of a ministry that bathes our neighbors in Christ’s love.
Do you have a welcoming smile and a heart of compassion for those in need? Do you thrive in an atmosphere of one-on-one contact? You’re the perfect fit for our Food Room.
The VBF Food Room provides staples, canned goods, and miscellaneous items to those in need, in our church body and the community. Volunteers are needed to assemble food baskets, do grocery shopping, keep inventory on the stock at hand, and, most importantly of all, show those in need that Jesus is the Provider. If your heart is characterized by empathy and you desire to use that gift to bless others, come be a part of the VBF Food Room ministry and touch those in need with the love of Christ.
(661) 832-7464
425 South H Street
Bakersfield, CA 93304
God's Gift of Love
God's Gift of Love is an outreach endeavor to spread the Gospel of Christ in the community through BBQ's, carwashes, fun activities for all age groups, yard sales, Bible studies, and others forms of communication to the neighborhood. Also, there are fund raisers to give free Turkey dinners away in November each year.
Food Distribution
Every other Wednesday morning from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Central opens its doors to anyone in need. We offer bags of food, just come on over and get one for yourself.
12 Step Program
The 12 Step Closer Walk with God is a Bible study to overcome sin. This group meets in the Fellowship Hall at Central Monday evenings at 7:00PM
Winners Outreach Church,
(626) 791-8474
630 N Dalton Avenue, Azusa, CA 91702
As a church, we care about the plight of families struggling to meet basic family needs. We are a channel and a distribution portal. We get and we pass it on free of charge to people in our communities and they don’t have to be members of our congregation. We care because we know this what Jesus would do but we can’t multiply food miraculously yet.
If in need of food: Call us at 626-791-8474 to get information about our next distribution or to make appointment for pick up.
Have food or clothes to give for distribution? Call us at 626-791-8474
See our Facebook for Food Ministry Activities also provides clothing
(626) 914-4833
1700 Palopinto Ave, Glendora CA 91741
Glenkirk Church has extended our outreach to serve those who are currently experiencing homelessness through a new ministry called “Open Arms”. In an effort to help local individuals and families, we are providing showers, breakfast, and sack lunches on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays, from May – November. Facilities will be open from 9:00am-11:00am on these days.
Thank you for your outpour of support in volunteering for this ministry!
You can also help by giving a charitable donation to our Open Arms Ministry by clicking the link below and putting your donation amount in the ‘Homeless Care’ section of the form.
Donations (Goods)
Glenkirk is located at 1700 Palopinto ave in Glendora, at the corner of Palopinto Avenue and Sellers Street which is behind Glendora High School. Please park in the small parking lot on Sellers and enter through the doors to Fellowship Hall.
A voucher from the Shepherd’s Pantry is required for this service. They are located at 657 E. Arrow Hwy, Glendora. Their phone number is (626) 852 – 7630. Vouchers are available only at the Glendora location, on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 5pm – 7pm. There will be no admittance to Glenkirk’s facilities without a voucher.
Jenn DeGraw — Guest Relations & Pastoral Administration
GriefShare is a caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving experience alone. The group is led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You may join anytime.
Mondays 7:30pm | Room 22
Tuesdays 8:00pm | Room 22
Fridays 8:00pm | Room 22
Thursdays 8:00pm | Room 22
Al-Anon for Women | Thursdays 6:30pm Room 14
Living Stones (Family & friends of gay individuals) | Thursdays 7:00pm Room 14
Ray of Sonshine (Chronic Pain, Illness) | Email us
Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) | Fridays 7:00pm Room 21
Jenn DeGraw, Guest Relations & Pastoral Administration
CLICK HERE to email Jenn
Andrea Messinger – Compassionate Care
CLICK HERE to email Andrea
Village Covenant Church
(626) 335-4013
5607 N Barranca Ave, Azusa, CA 91702
Food Bank: Fridays 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Contact us: foodbank@villagecov.com
God has supplied us with food from the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank (TEFAP/USDA).
Village regards the Food Bank as an important outreach in the surrounding community.
About the Food Bank
The Village Covenant Food Bank provides basic canned and packaged goods to our community every Friday. Other food items are sometimes included when they are available. Local families and individuals from Azusa, Covina, Glendora, and Irwindale are welcome to come once per month to receive food. People with emergency needs for food from other communities (West Covina, Baldwin Park, San Dimas, etc.) can get food from us one time only and will be provided with a list of food banks in their area that they can visit if they have further need.
You may also go to www.lafightshunger.com, click on “FIND FOOD,” and put in your city name or zip code to find other food banks in your area.
5607 N Barranca Ave, Azusa, CA 91702
The Food Bank is located at the northeastern section of our property. There will be signs outside the building pointing the way.
In order to help our communities slow the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), we are conducting the Food Bank outdoors during the times of social distancing. You may remain in your vehicle, and our volunteer workers will come to you to get needed information and will bring food orders to you. We appreciate your cooperation with the safety procedures recommended by leaders in our society.
Required to Receive Food
One person from your family with a valid Azusa, Covina, Glendora, or Irwindale address may pick up food for your whole family. Please bring your picture ID or a current bill with your name and address.
From the Director
“The VCC Food Bank serves a large area, and our numbers have skyrocketed. People come in cars, on bikes, or on foot, and we are constantly filling vehicles or arms with food in order to serve those in need. My estimation of the amount of food we brought in and passed out last year is over 200,000 pounds.
“Without the help of a team of partners, this ministry would not work. Thank you to Los Angeles Regional Food Bank for the massive amounts of food you provide. Thank you to the volunteers who serve at the VCC Food Bank. Thank you to those who donate funds for our work. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.”
– Linda Brown, Director of the Food Bank
Redeemed Life Church
(626) 210-1245
405 N Azusa Ave, Azusa, CA 91702
The REDEEMED LIFE CHRUCH FOOD PANTRY exists to extend a hand to our church family members, families, individuals, and organizations in the city of Azusa. As Christ-followers and as a church, we understand what it means to help our neighbor—especially in times of need. We also know that this help is just one out of many steps required by families and individuals who are honestly seeking transformation because it will lead them to a better place in life. This is the Church,
being The Church. This is RLC, being RLC — reaching the lost, loving the broken, and caring like Christ in all that we do. Sign up today to DONATE or RECEIVE from the FOOD PANTRY today. We are here to serve you weekly:
Saturdays 10 – 11AM
Sundays 1:30 – 2:30PM
If you need more information, whether you are in need of help, or if you want to donate and support our food pantry, or if you feel called to volunteer, please contact us below. We will gladly get back to you!
Crosspoint Baptist Church
(626) 808-7648
3500 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91107
Bi-Weekly Bible Study
Door of Hope provides homeless families with the opportunity to learn new skills, develop positive behaviors, and obtain the resources necessary to reach their goals and maintain long-term success all while keeping the mother and kids together throughout this difficult time. In 2017, Crosspoint began holding a bi-weekly Bible study at a home for victims of domestic violence and single mothers. Through this outreach, we have seen several moms trust Jesus as their Savior and many grow in their walk with Jesus Christ. Emmanuel Baptist Rescue Mission is truly a lighthouse in a world of danger, darkness, and despair. The men and women of Skid Row in Los Angeles are in physical and spiritual poverty, and many are in bondage to drugs, alcohol and other addictions. They have lost their connections with family and society. Meeting some of their physical needs in compassion, will often open their hearts' to the gospel. Emmanuel is uniquely equipped to minister to large numbers of hurting people, and few places offer the opportunity to preach the gospel to such a concentration of lost men and women as Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles. Please pray for this ministry, and consider joining us one week as we minister at this mission.
Victory Outreach
(209) 462-6208
2725 Waterloo Rd
Stockton Ca. 95205
Men'Recovery Homes
The Victory Outreach Recovery Home is a ministry of the local church that provides a residential Christian atmosphere for men and women. The purpose of the recovery home is to reclaim, redeem and restore lives that have been destroyed or disrupted by drugs, alcohol and/or other substance abuse by establishing three essential values; a commitment to Christ, restoration of the family and a positive work ethic.
For more information on our Recovery Homes please call:
Men’s Recovery Home
(209) 565-5721
Pioneer United Methodist Church
1338 Lincoln Way, Auburn, CA 95603
Kairos Prison Ministry Video Watch the video that shows Kairos Prison Ministry in action.
Imagine No Malaria is the United Methodist church-wide effort to overcome malaria in Africa and eliminate deaths caused by this preventable disease—a goal world leaders hope to accomplish by 2015.
Music for Humanity. Since 1990 we have been holding 'Music for Humanity" concerts to raise money for a number of ministries including Habitat for Humanity and the local food bank.
Interfaith Food Bank. The congregation supports the food bank through offerings of money, canned goods, and other food items. Several members work at the food bank.
Community Christmas Dinner. Members make 150 lbs of mashed potatoes for the Christmas Community Dinner.
Pioneer Emergency Relief Fund. Using this fund the congregation reaches out to the homelless and transients in our community.
Sierra Lutheran Church
(559) 855-8989
32410 Rock Hill Lane, Auberry, California 93602, United States
Ministry #1 - Teaches the word of God.
Our worship service on Sunday includes a Pastors Sermon or a lay person message that is based on the word of God. We use the NIV Bible in our readings and our sermons and messages are based on the readings of the day. We also have an adult Sunday school that is scheduled on Sundays 9:00 - 10:00.
Ministry #2 - Provides food to the hungry.
Sierra Lutheran Church helps to provide food to the hungry in our community. Our church with community support hosts a monthly community food bank on the second Saturday of every month, starting at 9:00 AM. The Food Bank is part of the USDA Food Bank from the Central California Food Bank. We also host the Salvation Army Christmas Love Basket Event, which is scheduled on Saturday, December 21, 2019. Setup is scheduled on Friday, December 20, 2019. We also host the Salvation Army on our campus, who provides food on Mondays from 9:00- 10:00.
Ministry #3 - Shares our church campus.
Sierra Lutheran Church is a welcoming body of Christ and we welcome all to our church. We are also blessed with a wonderful campus and our campus is open to the community as long as use of our campus is consistant with our mission: To know, love and serve Jesus Christ.
St. Raymond Catholic Church
1100 Santa Cruz Ave Menlo Park, CA 94025
Homeless Family Fund
In October 1990, the St. Raymond Homeless Family Fund was created out of the work of a small group Renew program.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all in profound ways but falling disproportionately on marginalized and vulnerable populations.
In responding to the signs of the times, the Homeless Family Fund at St. Raymond Parish is partnering with Catholic Charities San Mateo and St. Francis of Assisi Parish in East Palo Alto to identify individuals and families in need of support to cover basic necessities and to provide information referrals to other services and opportunities in the County.
What has St. Raymond supported to date?
Disbursed $67,923.60 to cover rental assistance for the current month; and, for those that who were in arrears due to unemployment from COVID-19 and other reasons, we have brought them up to date;
Prevented 17 households (including 23 adults and 31 children) from being evicted; and
Provided, through Catholic Charities, just-in-time information referrals to other services and benefits within the San Mateo County system including CalFresh, Legal Aid, and employment.
In early September 2020, Fr. Goode supported a single mother and her four children (15, 12, 11, and 7) who had been living in their car in the Parish parking lot in finding a vacant unit in East Palo Alto. He was able to provide support for part of the security deposit but referred the single mother to the Catholic Charities and the Homeless Family Fund for additional support.
In early October 2020, St. Raymond Parish was able to provide two months rental assistance in the amount of $3,950 (October and November) and the remaining funds needed for the security deposit. This has allowed her children to be in a safe place to engage in online learning and to allow for some stability as she begins to look for ways to continue to support her family. Catholic Charities has also provided referrals for other benefits the family may qualify for at this time.
In August 2020, a single, widowed mother lost her job due to COVID, putting herself and her three adult children (23 years old and 18-year old fraternal twins) at risk of losing their home. Since losing her husband seven years ago, the mother has been the primary source of income for the family, with her children in school and working part-time here and there. At the time of intake, the family had exhausted all of their financial reserves.
St. Raymond Parish, through the Homeless Family Fund, was able to provide $3,100 (two months) of support to allow the family to stay in their home. Since providing support, the mother and oldest daughter have been actively looking for employment that enables them to sustain their housing moving forward and the twins continue their online schooling.
In late September 2020, Fr. Goode referred a 62-year old woman living in East Palo Alto who lost her job in August 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Formally incarcerated and living on the street, Fr. Goode had originally supported the woman to find secure and safe housing. After losing her job, though, the individual was unable to pay her rent.
The parish provided $3,600 in rental support for the months of September and October, preventing her from being evicted and ending up back on the street. Catholic Charities also provided referrals to other services. Subsequently, the woman has found employment and is able to support herself.
In early October 2020, Fr. Goode of St. Francis of Assisi Parish in East Palo Alto referred a young single mother and her 4-month old daughter to Catholic Charities for rental support. He had been supporting her with food and a bus pass during the summer, but knew she was about to be kicked out of the room she was renting as she has been in arrears since May 2020 when she lost her job cleaning houses due to the shelter-in-place order from the COVID-19 pandemic. The child’s father left the mother shortly after he found out she was pregnant.
The Parish was able to provide $5,000 in rental assistance to support the young mother in covering three months of rental support in arrears and rent for the months of October and November. Catholic Charities is working with the young mom to provide referrals for childcare services, information about where she can receive in-kind food support, and possible employment opportunities.
Interested in accompanying a family with the provision of in-kind goods or gifts during the holidays? Please reach out to: HFF@straymondmp.org.
In order to continue to support vulnerable families, please make donations payable to St. Raymond Homeless Family Fund. They may be placed in the collection basket, sent to the parish office or through the St. Raymond website at http://www.straymondmp.org/donate.
Thank you for your continued support!
Refuge Church of Atascadero
(805) 466-3354
6955 Portola Road, Atascadero, CA 93422
Wednesday Evening
All Church Meal 5:30pm
Service 6:30pm-8:00pm
Children's ministry is available at all services.
(805) 461-3899
9685 Morro Road
Atascadero, CA 93422
Anger Hot Button List - Priolo
Steps to Deal with Anger
Anxiety & Worry
Anxiety - Phil. 4 - Powlison
Circle of Concern vs. Responsibility
Bible Study
Questions for Scripture Reading
The Conference Table
Feelings - Lloyd-Jones
Homework Assignment Samples
Conquering the Fear of Man
Mack Worksheet - How to Overcome the Problem of Loneliness
Husband - Monthly Leadership Agenda
Husband - Guide to Companionship
Husband - Ways a Husband May Express Love to His Wife
Wife - Guide to Companionship
Wife - Ways a Wife May Express Love to Her Husband
Loving Your Spouse Worksheet
Audio Listening Questionnaire
Reading Report Form
25 Ways Parents Provoke their Children
Appropriate Steps when Spanking
Log List
805 466 9350
4500 El Camino Real
Atascadero, California 93422
♦Loaves & Fishes
The Atascadero community food pantry, Loaves & Fishes, distributes donated canned food and other non-perishable food items to those in need. The Lutheran Church of the Redeemer participates by gathering donated food items regularly, and then delivering them to Loaves and Fishes. If you would like to participate, please bring a donation to church and place it in the gathering box in the entry way.
Click on logo to go to Loaves & Fishes website
Currently Saturday School is NOT meeting due to Coronavirus Restrictions. Hopefully we will all be able to celebrate "Jesus and Friends" soon.
♦Saturday School -- "Jesus and Friends!" for the Developmentally Disabled
Meets 1st & 3rd Saturdays of each month @ 9:30am (September through May)
Our special ministry outreach to the developmentally disabled members of our community usually meets the first and third Saturdays of each month (unless announced -- see Calendar) at 9:30am. Our van picks up many of our Jesus and Friends! regulars, and some are brought by their group home leaders. Our van also picks up many for our Sunday worship service. We would like to share information about this special ministry of our congregation. Please email us with your questions.
Atascadero Bible Church
6225 Atascadero Ave
Atascadero, CA 93422
Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step program with a Biblical basis that can change your life, leading you into recovery and a relationship with God. CR works in small groups, led by people just like you who have overcome their hurts, habits, and hang-ups and now reach out to anyone entrapped by the world's road blocks.
Got questions, or need help? E-mail candy@abcchurch.org.
CR (1).jpg
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7226
Mercy Medical Teams
|How We ServeMercyMercy Medical Teams
LCMS Mercy Medical Teams
Health care professionals needed for short-term service
Since 2006, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Mercy Medical Teams have provided desperately needed health care to thousands of patients in underserved regions around the globe.
Continue reading
Upcoming trips
Coronavirus pandemic
Because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has suspended Mercy Medical Teams trips until further notice. Please check this webpage for updates.
Short-term service
LCMS Mercy Medical Teams Video
Join a short-term mission trip lasting about two weeks. Volunteers demonstrate in word and deed the great love that God has for all people through His Son, Jesus Christ. There are trips scheduled all over the world.
View opportunities
Short-Term Mission Resources
Photo galleries
LCMS Mercy Medical Teams
Mercy Medical Teams from LCMS congregations throughout the United States travel around the world to provide health care to thousands of patients.
Photo gallery: Madagascar
Photo gallery: Kenya
Resources & Services
Contact form — Please contact the LCMS if you would like more information about Mercy Medical Teams or if you are interested in volunteering.
Mercy Medical Teams FAQs — Find answers about costs, financial assistance, roles for non-medical professionals and how to register.
Mercy Medical Teams Brochure — Learn about the two types of teams sent and the comprehensive nature of our work.
Poster — Color | Black & White
Flier — Color | Black & White
Bulletin Insert
LCMS Mercy Medical Teams may have grant funding available to provide scholarships for LCMS college students studying health-related professions at any university and for LCMS pastors willing to serve as a chaplain for one of our teams.
For more information, email mercyteams@lcms.org.
Recommended Reading
Theology for Mercy — by Matthew Harrison
The Church is a Mercy Place! — by Matthew Harrison
The Church’s Role of Mercy in the Community — by Matthew Harrison
Sanctification and Charitable Works in Lutheran Theology — by Matthew Harrison
Mercy and the Lutheran Congregation — by Theodore Brohm, trans. by Matthew Harrison
Christ Have Mercy: How to Put Your Faith in Action — by Matthew Harrison, CPH 2008
Partner Organization
Lutherans In Medical Missions — LIMM works with local and global partners to share Christ’s healing in medically underserved communities.
LIMM partners with LCMS Mercy Medical Teams, providing travel grants and working together in the development and implementation of Community Health Education team trips.
* The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will not knowingly lead a team into political unrest or any other situation where safety may be compromised. Decisions to cancel a trip may be made shortly before the scheduled date, based on firsthand information from our local contacts.
Erin Alter, Director,
Short-Term Mission Teams
Contact Ministry
Program Overview
The LCMS sends Mercy Medical Teams to underserved regions around the globe, and they deliver healing through medicine and the Gospel.
Download information sheet
Bulletin Insert
A worship service bulletin insert is available to invite volunteers for LCMS Mercy Medical Teams and other short-term service opportunities.
LCMS Mercy Medical Teams need volunteers to bring Christ’s mercy and love to the most vulnerable people around the globe.
LCMS short-term volunteers have the opportunity to tell people around the world about God’s love for all people through His Son, Jesus Christ.
Download two-sided bulletin insert
How to help
Do you want to help, but can’t volunteer? Your financial gifts can support medical projects around the world.
Give now
Give by mail:
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Attn: Mercy Medical Teams
P.O. Box 66861
St. Louis, MO 63166-6861
Give by phone:
When gifts exceed the total needed for this opportunity the gifts received will be used as determined by The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Your gift is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Recent Articles & Stories
From the mission field – Updates on COVID-19
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Reflections on LCMS Mercy Medical Team mission trip to Uganda
Monday, March 9, 2020
International volunteer work and your health
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
This feed has 7 articles on 3 pages << < 1 2 3 > >>
LCMS World Relief and Human Care National Grants
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Office of National Mission offers national development grants to aid LCMS congregations, Recognized Service Organizations and districts to vigorously make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches and communities. This is an annual grant cycle. Applications are due by Feb. 1; awards are announced in June.
For questions about National Development Grants contact grants@lcms.org or 888-THE LCMS.
Learn more
Grant Description & Criteria
Grant awards range from $1,000 to $20,000. National development grant applications are awarded for new or expanded programs that:
Vigorously make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches and communities Address one or more of the following questions:
Does your project help plant, sustain or revitalize spiritually healthy, vibrant and distinctly Lutheran churches?
Does your project support theological education?
Does your project intentionally connect human care in close proximity to Word and Sacrament ministry?
Does your project collaborate with Synod's members and other partners to enhance mission effectiveness?
Does your project help nurture professional church workers to promote their spiritual, emotional and physical well-being?
Does your project address the ministry needs of children and youth that will enable them to grow into healthy, spiritually grounded adults?
Does your project enhance early childhood, elementary, or secondary Lutheran education or youth ministry?
Does your project strengthen and support the Lutheran family in living out God’s design?
Capital improvement projects, major equipment purchases or general operational support expenses are ineligible for this grant.
Career Opportunities
Church Work Careers
Lutheran Young Adult Corps
Mercy Medical Teams
Missionary Service
National Grants
National Development Grants
Grant Report Forms
Volunteer at LCMS Office
Youth Servant Events
Lutherans Engage the World
Lutheran Engage the WorldEngaging the Church in the work of witness and mercy across the globe in our life together.
Learn more
The Lutheran Witness
The Lutheran WitnessInterpreting the contemporary world from a Lutheran Christian perspective
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Concordia Publishing House
Concordia Publishing House
Our Ministries
Black MinistryCampus MinistryChurch PlantingChurch RevitalizationDeaconess MinistryDisaster ResponseGrantsHealth MinistryHispanic MinistryLife MinistryMinistry to the Armed ForcesMissionary ServiceRecognized Service OrganizationsRural & Small Town MissionSchool MinistrySoldiers of the CrossSpecialized Pastoral MinistryStewardship MinistryUrban & Inner-City MissionVeterans of the CrossWitness & Outreach MinistryWorshipYouth Ministry
International Regions
Africa | Asia | Eurasia | Latin America | United States
Auxiliaries and PartnersConcordia Historical InstituteConcordia Plan ServicesConcordia Publishing HouseConcordia Seminary, St. LouisConcordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.Concordia University SystemLutheran Church Extension FundLutheran Hour MinistriesLutheran Women's Missionary League (LWML)The LCMS FoundationContact Us
Email us
Church Info Center: 888-843-5267
Staff Switchboard: 800-248-1930
Donor Care Line: 888-930-4438
1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7226
Guide Star Logo BBB Logo
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Inc., including Mission Central (in Mapleton, Iowa), is an IRS registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity.
A contribution designated (restricted) for a specific purpose when accepted, will be used only to fund expenses related to that purpose. Occasionally, we may receive more in contributions for a particular purpose than can be wisely applied to it in the foreseeable future or the purpose may cease to be feasible. In these situations, the LCMS will make reasonable attempts to contact contributors to apply their contribution differently. If a contributor cannot be contacted, the LCMS will use the gift to meet a similar pressing need that most closely matches the contributor's original intent. Consistent with Synod Board policy, no more than 13.5 percent of a charitable contribution may be allocated to administering gifts and communicating with contributors. Contributions received and accepted by the LCMS are deemed to be in agreement with this statement.
Our Tax Identification Number: 43-0658188
View Donor Transparency Resources »
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© 2003 – 2020 The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. All Rights Reserved.
St. John's Valley of Faith/Valle de Fe
(661) 854-4473
500 Campus Drive, Arvin, CA.
Clothing Pantry
St. John's Valley of Faith Clothing Pantry is a ministry that seeks the opportunity for our church to live out our Faith to God in service to our community. By providing clothing and other material needs for our brothers and sisters in Christ from our Arvin community. And by doing so, inviting others to discover the Love, Restoration, and Providence of God, for every good gift and perfect gift is from above.
OPEN : EVERY THURSDAY 10:00A.M. - 12:00P.M.
Grace Bible Church
(805) 489-4200
100 Rodeo Drive, Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
The Church has left the building. We always proclaim that the Church is a people and not a building and more than ever during these unique times we must be intentional, creative and faithful in the way we minister to one another and to this community that God so dearly loves. Beyond caring for your family and your geographical neighbors we as a church family have some opportunities to take action and be the church here and now in this unique time in history.
If you visit our Global Missions page, you'll notice that GBC partners with a handful of missionaries in Albania. We now have the opportunity to work with them on a wider level, and by that, I mean YOU can partner with CRU Albania. How, you ask? CRU is seeking to provide conversational English for their college freshmen. For these courses, they are seeking native English speakers who can video call with 1 student for 1 hour once a week for a six-week program. This program acts as a way to help students in Albania develop skills in the English language through conversation with a native speaker, as well as doubles as a way to share the love of Jesus. Want to help? Email hello@gracebibleag.com if you're interested.
Coastal Community Church is offering a new tutoring program for students who need some extra help navigating learning via distance, as well as for parents who may need time to run some errands or may have barriers to assisting their child with school work. There is no tutoring experience required to help; we are simply looking for folks who want to serve families within the community in a very practical way. For more information or to sign up to help, click here.
Last year, GBC sent over 800 shoe boxes filled with gifts to children in need around the globe. Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 is a very important year! GBC volunteers will hand out empty shoeboxes and collect full shoe boxes at GBC between October 25th and November 22nd before and after Sunday morning service in the East Parking Lot. The shipping costs for all shoeboxes will be covered be the GBC OCC Memorial Fund.
If you have any questions regarding this service opportunity, please contact Brian Kaub at (831) 594-1405 or Glenn Vanderplate at (805) 440-8808.
Captive Hearts
Our mission is “Bringing Healing to Hurting Humanity.” We are dedicated to providing practical and spiritual training to rehabilitate broken men and women. Our goal is to prepare these individuals to return to their families and communities, healed from the chains of addiction. By “Bringing Healing to Hurting Humanity“, those we counsel and mentor can realize their dreams as they move into their destiny, learning how to recover, how to break free from their addictions, anger and grief, and how to set boundaries in their lives–tools they will need once they enter back into society.
Sherri Masters - 805.305.1928 or sherrimasters@hotmail.com
Families in Transition (FIT)
The Lucia Mar Families in Transition Program assists families facing housing challenges. They are funded by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, which is a federal law ensuring immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth. There are times, however, when this program needs additional support, and your monetary donations would help them purchase everything from toothpaste and lunches to Chromebooks and AP Testing for the homeless youth on our Central Coast. For more information, contact Shaun at 805.215.5152
Good News Club
Good News Club aims to evangelize boys and girls in schools, homes, churches, and just about anywhere they can easily and safely meet with their parent’s permission.
Because of the school closures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, this year's club has come to an end. However, if possible, this summer the club will host Good News Camp. If you'd like to help with facilitating camp, please email hkutch@gracebibleag.com.
Lifeline shares the love of Christ and information on alternatives to abortion for women and girls in our local community. We offer critical support, mentoring, and healing.
Lifeline also has a job opportunity that will move forward once the county reopens for people who have experienced the loss of job due to the pandemic. If you are interested in a part-time position, or would like to volunteer as a receptionist, please call 805.481.4987.
People's Kitchen
People’s Kitchen serves as an emergency food resource for homeless and vulnerable members of the Five Cities community. We provide hot meals and safe haven. For more information, contact Nancy at 805.489.3254 or Betsy at 805.489.9046.
Shelter and Rain
Shelter and Rain is dedicated to the freedom, protection and restoration of human trafficking survivors through anti-trafficking efforts, as well as educates communities about trauma so that they may aid in empowering survivors.
Our weekly Missionary Prayer Calendar can be found on the gracebibleag.com homepage. It is updated every Sunday with new requests for our missions partners around the globe. Thank you for partnering with us in prayer!
Financially support our local and global Missions efforts HERE.
First United Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande
(805) 481-2692
275 N. Halcyon Road Arroyo Grande, CA 93420
Debtors Anonymous Mondays 6:00pm
Al-Anon Mondays 7:00pm
Alzheimer's Support Wednesdays 12:30pm
Senior Exercise Class Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:00am
People's Kitchen and Food Pantry
If you or someone you know experiences food insecurity, we want you to know that we are here to help. Our U-Pick Pantry allows you to choose the items that best suit your needs, including fresh fruits and vegetables and other refrigerated items.
THURSDAYS • 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM
• All are welcome to use the pantry •. We allow one visit per household per week
•. Photo ID required.
• Covid19 safety measures will be observed for your safety
Pantry is across the street from the main New Life Church Campus on Crest way, behind the Pismo Beach Post Office. It is recommended to park by the basketball courts on the medical plaza side of the building.
Click map to enlarge.
Many in our community experience periods of food insecurity and sometimes struggle to put food on their tables. We want to do what Jesus did, by coming alongside these individuals and families to meet their basic needs and hopefully help them live more fully alive. What makes our pantry unique is that we’ve chosen to be a U-PICK pantry so individuals can choose the foods that best suit their needs. We also will have fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as other refrigerated items available. These options help to raise the dignity of these individuals and allow them to provide healthy meals for their families, even during tough times. Ultimately our goal is to make sure everyone in our community feels valued and understands that God sees them, and loves them deeply.
At the present time we are able to use volunteers in our food pantry. If you would like to volunteer contact pantry@newlifepismo.com.
canned chicken
peanut butter
pasta sauce
beef stew
canned corn
ground beef
during pantry hours of operation
Special deliveries + pickup times available. Call to make arrangements.
If you are a business or grower and would like to partner with us, please contact us at: pantry@newlifepismo.com • 805.489.3891
Chapel in the Pines
(209) 795-1064
2286 Cedar Lane, Arnold, CA
Food Closet
Weekly on Tuesdays, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Chapel in the Pines is blessed to be a participant in the Resource Connection Food Bank, just one of the many programs Calaveras County's Resource Connection offers. The Food Bank's volunteers provide over 1,000 hours of labor and caring for the Calaveras community each month. And, here at Chapel, our many volunteers faithfully give of their time each week to manage our downstairs Food Closet.
Arnold's Big Trees Bible Church has partnered with us in this endeavor, providing additional financial support to ensure our church food pantry is always well stocked. These two relationships have given us the ability to provide food for lower-income families throughout the Hwy. 4 corridor.
Our Food Closet is located downstairs in Fellowship Hall with easy access directly from the parking lot. It is open each Tuesday morning from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. No one is turned away, but all visitors are asked to complete a brief application form for record-keeping purposes.
Mondays & Wednesdays 8am to 10:45am at the Do-Wooders yard behind the left-side of the Biig Trees Market strip mall.
This outreach program provides split wood to the community at no cost. A group of hearty Chapel men gather together to transform fallen trees into split wood using all manner of powered equipment.
If you're interested in being a part of this endeavor, please call the church office at 209-795-1064, or email them at office@chapelinthepines.org
To apply for a load of wood, please submit a request form.
Remember that this is a free service. Donations and Volunteers are always welcome.
Vacation Bible School
Our annual week-long outreach event held in mid-June is tailored to teach and entertain children, ages K - 5th grade.
VBS 2020 - Canceled because of pandemic
VBS 2021 - Stay tuned and be praying
Click here for more details
Trunk or Treat
Chapel welcomes the community by hosting the annual Trunk-or-Treat event in October. This event is completely free to the community.
When: October 31st (Saturday) from 4PM to 7PM
Where: Chapel in the Pines Parking Lot (2286 Cedar Lane, Arnold)
Click here for more details
Will be held rain or shine. (Will be canceled in the event of snow.)
Mexico Mission
Once a year the Youth of Chapel raise money through various fundraisers in order to caravan down to Mexico and build a home for a disadvantaged family.
Highlights from the 2019 Mexico trip
Moms in Prayer
A worldwide community of Moms in Prayer International! Join moms who pray together for our kids and schools in more than 140 countries and in all 50 U.S. states.
For more information visit https://momsinprayer.org
Door of Hope
Opened their doors and arms in 2005 and exist to serve anyone involved in a difficult pregnancy situation. The staff and volunteers at CDOH genuinely care about those who walk through the doors and are eager to assist all.
Go to https://cdohope.org to get free pregnancy information or help.
St. Alban's Episcopal Church
1675 Chester Ave.
Arcata, California 95521
Parish Nurse: Emily Arents
Our Parish Nurse, Emily Arents, is an RN whose calling is to promote health and healing, visiting those in hospital or recovering at home or in a care facility. She also helps with referrals, helps to explain medications and care plans, takes parishioners to appointments and helps organize meals for homebound people. Writing monthly for the church newsletter and taking the occasional blood pressure are part of her job also. There is usually an annual discussion group on a specific health issue to plan as well. Mostly, though, this ministry is about working with everyone to understand the connection of body, mind and spirit, nurturing our interdependence as God's people.
We've had a Health Ministry at St. Alban's since 2002.
Our vision is:
· To offer shut-in parishioners visits, transportation, shopping and meals…..
· To offer those facing medical crises support, education, referrals….
· To improve the health of our parish community through education, blood pressure monitoring .….
We accomplish this with a wonderful team of angels who generously cook and visit and generally brighten the days of those who are homebound or hospitalized. The Parish Nurse helps to decipher medical plans of care and to explain medications prescribed, and offers prayers when desired. We present health related information occasionally at our Sunday Forums.
Shorelife Community Church
875 Monterey Avenue,
Capitola CA 95010
Sunday Mornings
There is always something to help out with at the Sunday morning service. Do you play the drums? Do you like knowing there's always a fresh cup of coffee at hand (and you ACTUALLY know how to brew it)? Can you be friendly and greet people at the door? The Worship Team is a great place to serve. Join our Cafe Team. Click here for our Ministry opportunities.
Manna Ministries
Every Saturday a group of volunteers prepare and go out to feed the homeless at a pre-determined location. From 9:30 am-11:15 am they cook and prepare the meal then from 11:30 am-1 pm they serve the meal and fellowship with the people they serve and then clean up afterwards.
Community Groups
Community Logo
We have community groups for men and women who want to form new relationships, grow spiritually and share their faith in Jesus Christ with others. Click here for a list of our community groups and details for the one that fits you best.
At Shorelife, there are several ways for you to get plugged in, click here for other opportunities to get involved.
Outreach Evangelism
Service Opportunities (Volunteer):
Being involved in a ministry team is part of what makes the church a true community. If you want to meet people and join in the fun of a Shorelife ministry team, we have plenty of opportunities to do so. There are teams serving on Sunday mornings, plus others occurring throughout the week. Please call the church if you are interested in serving.
Nursery Center (Ages 1 to 3):
Sundays 11:00 a.m. - Noon
Children's Center (Ages 4 to 7):
Sundays 11:00 a.m. - Noon
Sunny Brae Church
555 Bayside Rd. Arcata, CA 95521
Every Month
First Saturday of the month at 7:30am
Third Sunday of the month, right after the main service
Arcata United Methodist Church
707 - 822 -1963
1761 Eleventh Street, Arcata, CA 95521
Meals Ministry lunch program sends out 80 to 100 lunches to hungry and/or homeless people in our community every week. Northcoast Preparatory and Performing Arts Academy (NPA) student volunteers prepare and pass out lunches on Friday during the school year and AUMC volunteers prepare and hand out lunches on Sunday afternoon. We have a partnership with the Department of Health and Human Services, CalFresh Outreach, to help pay for food and outreach. We use donations from the congregation to provide socks, tarps, hats, gloves, raingear, clothing and diapers. We also offer coffee, snacks and hospitality to guests who visit us on Sunday.
We use this outreach opportunity to provide information about nutrition and other services offered by DHHS, Food for People, Arcata House Partnership (AHP), Area 1 Agency on Aging and other organizations. People are always thankful for what we offer.
If you are hungry or can’t afford nutritious food, we have information about Cal Fresh in the office or you can call 1-877-410-8809 to apply through the Department of Health & Human Services regional call center.
Arcata Presbyterian Church
(707) 822-1321
670 11th Street
Arcata, California 95521
Extreme Weather Shelter
The Extreme Weather Shelter (EWS) is a program which provides shelter to adults in need on nights of inclimate weather. Based on guidelines from the National Weather Service, the Arcata House Partnership (AHP) program coordinator keeps tabs on the local weather during the winter season in order to help provide shelter on the coldest, wettest, and/or windiest nights of the year.
Attendees receive a shower, clothing, and dinner before the program coordinator drives everyone to a local church to sleep for the night. Local churches in Arcata and McKinleyville house the attendees overnight with chaperones in their facilities, providing sanctuary to those most in need. In the morning, clients receive a breakfast, sack lunch, and coffee before heading on their way.
New Hope Community Church Aptos Campus
(831) 688-3312
7200 Freedom Blvd, Aptos, CA 95003
Serve at New Hope Aptos
We would love to have you be a part of our team! If you have desire to serve please fill out the form at the link below.
Volunteer Form
Food Pantry
Our Food Pantry provide fresh, local, seasonal produce provided by Second Harvest Food Bank as well as donated pantry goods to those in need.
Volunteer opportunities are available.
2nd & 4th Tuesdays @ 10am
The music at New Hope is contemporary, but more importantly, our worship is genuine.
World Missions
Whether domestic or abroad, we participate in and support our missionaries. God has changed our lives so that we may also impact our community and beyond.
Calvary Chapel Victorville Church
760 241 0778
15081 Center Street : Victorville, CA 92395
1 Peter 4:10
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
Our purpose for this ministry is to help alleviate the stress for famlies who just had a baby or surgery by making them meals. If you would like to serve in this ministry please contact Cynthia Lewis at cynthia@calvaryvv.org.
If you are in need of a meal please contact Cynthia Lewis at cynthia@calvaryvv.org
Apple Valley Faith Center
(760) 247-2933
19923 Bear Valley Road Apple Valley, CA
Our Ministries
All of our ministries exist for the purpose of loving God and loving others! This call comes in many different ways and every person has their own God given gifts. Please feel free to get involved however the Lord leads you and if you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to contact us! The church office is available by phone at (760)247-2933, or you can email us from the Questions/Comments Box on our Services & Directions Page.
God's Store House
AVFC has a heart for turning back God's blessings to help those who are in need. God's Storehouse does this by giving out food and clothing. The Storehouse is currently open every Thursday 8:00-11:00pm. If you are in need, we would be happy to help! If you want to give back through this ministry, we welcome donations and volunteers.
Children's Ministry
The Children's Ministry is always looking for more volunteers who love Jesus and love kids! Volunteers can help out wherever comfortable whether that be as a helper or as a teacher. If you feel called to serve in this ministry, don't wait to get involved!
Helping Hands
Lending helping hands to those in need, this team of people are skilled volunteers that will go to people's homes and help with simple to complex projects. It also includes those who are willing to give others rides or even go grocery shopping for them. If you are a widow or otherwise unable to take care of your household needs, please tell us how we can help. If you would like to sign up to volunteer, please email us your information as well as what abilities you have.
Hospitality Team
Greeting, serving in the kitchen for potlucks, and other such things may not seem fun to everyone, but to some it is the perfect way to get involved. If this is something you would like to do, please contact us.
Care Team
Caring for one another and serving one another must be done purposefully when we live in an "out of sight, out of mind" society. This team cares for their fellow church members by calling them when they are sick, visiting them when they can't leave home or are in the hospital, making meals for those in bereavement or other distress, and so on. There are many different ways we can make others feel loved, and this team is focused on showing that.
Fundraising Team
The church has many needs for upkeep including roof work, drywall work, wood work, painting, and on and on. Of course, to make these things happen, we need funds. This is where our fundraising team comes in! They create events and other opportunities to help raise funds to make ends meet at the church. If you have great ideas or love to fundraise, please contact us!
Men's Breakfast
The Men's Breakfast is an opportunity to build Christian relationships with each other for support and guidance, and to build a stronger relationship with God! Meeting every other Saturday morning at 8:00am in the AVFC Embassy Building, the men enjoy breakfast before diving into worshiping the Lord and studying the Bible.
Women's Bible Study
An opportunity for women to get together, build community, and learn more about Jesus and the Bible! This study meets on Tuesdays at 9:30am in the back of the AVFC Sanctuary.
Home Prayer Groups
Groups meet together in homes and pray. We pray for each other, for our church, for our community, for our nation, and for the world! Join the Morgan's on Mondays at 6:00pm.
Regeneration Team
To regenerate is to make new. We need help keeping up the grounds of the church as well as making repairs. This team does just that! Each volunteer holds a responsibility and all together it keeps the church taken care of. There are plenty of opportunities still open if you are interested in joining the team.
Media Team
Whether video, audio or visual aspects, they are all part of a smooth Sunday morning service! If you are interested in learning more about potenital opportunities, please ask for more information.
Music Ministry
Music is only one of many ways we worship God! We simply seek the Lord as our leader and let His Spirit guide our music. If you have training as an audio technician or are a musician, there are many ways to get involved. You are welcome to come try out if you would like to be a part of the AVFC Worship Team!
Church For Whosoever
18628 Seneca Rd, Apple Valley, CA 92307
We are not meant to walk in our life alone. Our faith is strengthened when we are in a community of other believers.
Your first step is involvement in one of our ministries. If you have questions, please contact us below.
Please note: All of our ministries break in the month of December.
Ladies In Christ Ministry
Tuesday Morn. Bible Study:10:30AM
Quilters Ministry "The Comforters": Thursday @ 10:00am.
*Annual Fall Retreat
*Annual Prayer Conference
A Seniors Ministry
Director: Linda Delay
Assistant: Clara Brumfield
Meetings every 2nd Sat. of the month. Field trips and fun events. Join us!
Church For Little Kids! (Ages 3-12)
Director: Dr. Penny Tharpe
Every Sunday Morning @ 10:00am.
While mom & dad are in big church, we have our own Praise & Worship & listen to Exciting Bible Stories.
Director: Chris Moya
Assistant: Susan Heckler
Free bag of food every Tu-Wed-Thu at the church office. Call the church office first to make sure we are stocked.
CFW Youth Ministry (Ages 12+)
Director: Pastor Nicole Beserra
Friday Nights: 6:30 PM.
Lot's of fun outings and events with kids our age! Join us!
We break for the month of December.
"God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve
one another."
-- 1 Peter 4:10
A Clothing Ministry
Director: Blanca Cheverilla
Are you cold or need clothing? We can help. Call the office and let us know your need.
Reaching Out To Our Community
Director: Pastor Nicole Beserra
Help us reach out with the love of Christ by giving out free food, clothing & toiletry items to the high crime and low income target areas of Apple Valley. Be a sponsor or help at this event. Call the office for details and our new scheduled dates.
Missionettes: Josephine Gorrell
Royal Rangers: Alan Lilly
A girls & boys program for ages 3-18.
Wednesday nights: 7:00pm. We break for the month of July & August. MEN IN CHRIST
A Men's Ministry
Director: Charles Douglas
Join us for Men's Breakfast every 3rd Sat.of the month. Call office for cancellations.
Redeemer Church
22434 Nisqually Rd, Apple Valley, CA 92308
Audio Visual- Join our Audio Visual team as they coordinate Sunday services! Serving on this team has roles that meet for rehearsal on Thursday evenings as well as Sunday services. Every Sunday is not a requirement so you have the availability to attend the church service of your choice.
Clothing Closet- There are needs in the high desert and we are called to help those in need. Be a part of this team and bless those who are in need of clothing during these tough times. This ministry isn’t meeting regularly but there is still a need for volunteers.
Food Pantry- We are so blessed at Redeemer to be able to provide food to those in need because of the amazing giving Redeemer attenders have been. Giving food is just one part of this ministry, distributing is another. Though this ministry isn’t meeting regularly, there is still a need for volunteers.
Apple Valley Church of the Nazarene
12935 Central Road,
Apple Valley, CA 92308
International Disaster Response (Floods, Earthquakes, etc.)
Compassionate Ministries for Local Needs
Crisis Care Hygiene Kits Gifts to Missionaries
Missionary Health Care Orphans and Vulnerable Children (Africa Aids Victims)
Sun Valley Indian School World Evangelism Broadcast
Work & Witness Projects - Chiapas, Tecate, Honduras
Federal Immigration Services
Local Schools-Pastors on Premises
Compassionate Ministries
We are blessed to be able to offer a food ministry to those who are in need. This is church sponsored on the 3rd Friday of each month at 10am.
Immigration Ministry
3rd Saturday of each month at 9am
Get Involved through Compassionate Ministries!
Angel Tree
30 Hour Famine
Caravan Sponsorship
Child Sponsorship
CIA (Christians in Action)
Compassionate Hands
ESL (Future)
Grant Writing
Hands of Compassion (Honduras)
Hope Works United
Prayer Shawls
Prison Ministry
Spanish Class (Future)
Support Soldiers
Thanksgiving Turkey/Baskets
Quilting Treasures
Visitation (Hospital/Shut-Ins)
Contact: AV NAZ Office: 760 247-8433 for details! Codependents Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous
280 State Park Drive, Aptos CA 95003
What we do:
Visit folks in nursing facilities who rarely receive visitors in Santa Cruz
At least once a month
Nursing/care facilities around Santa Cruz county.
Nancy Eaton info@coastlands.org
First Family Church
3195 Contra Loma Blvd.
Antioch CA. 94509
We are abundantly blessed in Christ. We don't have to operate a food pantry or any community service project to earn our salvation (because Christ alone has earned it), but we do think that being involved in the community will give us opportunity to tell others about Jesus. So we do good works like a food pantry out of our love for God and out of our desire for others to know that love as well.
Matthew 25:37-40 reads - “Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?’ And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’
First Family Church is committed to impacting our community with the gospel and our hope is that a food pantry will give us another opportunity to do that.
The pantry will be open every Saturday from 9:30am to 10:30am and it operates at our church property - 3195 Contra Loma Blvd.
If you would like to serve in the food pantry or donate to it, please contact the FFC office .
In Addition to the pantry, we also send out a team every other week to do street care for the homeless in our community - to feed them and to minister to their spiritual needs as well. This ministry was born out of the food pantry and is a great way to also share the love of Christ in serving the disenfranchised. If you'd like to help out with this ministry, please contact the FFC office and ask to be put in contact with Vicki Martinez. The homeless outreach serves the community every 1st, and 3rd Saturday. GLOBAL
We want to affirm and bless the Holy Spirit's calling upon people's lives all over, so, as a result, we support missionaries that declare the Glory of God to the peoples of the world, not just here in our community. Missionaries exist to introduce Jesus Christ to those who do not know Him, to assist new believers in growing strong and healthy in their faith, to see new believers enfolded into a maturing church, and to invest in the lives of current and future church leaders, so they can effectively reach out to others in their communities and the world. We currently support oversea missionaries Hoyt and Lois Osborne and missionaries sent through the International Mission Board (a Southern Baptist Convention ministry supported through the Cooperative Program). Please be praying for boldness and the safety of our brothers and sisters abroad and over seas.
Our philosophy on missions is largely based off of Matthew 28:17-19 which reads -"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you." God's intent is to redeem and save all of his elect (John 6:37) out of every tribe and tongue for His glories sake (Revelation 7:9). Scripture also affirms that "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" (Romans 10:17). Therefore, the individual people that make up the church have the privilege and responsibility to share the Gospel so that people may hear so that God may perhaps, grant repentance (2 Timothy 2:25). Our goal is to help those missionaries who are doing the work of church ministry (discipleship and the observance of gospel preaching and the ordinances), as well as those caring for orphanages.
Find out more about the missionaries and missional orginizations we support:
Lois Osborne (Kenya Evangelical Mission):
Click here for their most recent newsletter.
The Southern Baptist Convention:
International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board
We also have a relationship with a missionary family in Haiti and have sent multiple teams there since 2011. We do this in cooperation with Learning to Hope in Haiti.
You can learn more about the missionary family (The Byxbes) and the orphanage they run at their website.
Paul Abeyta
(925) 706-1238
Victory Outreach Antioch
(925) 206-4367
913 Sunset Drive Antioch, Ca 94509
Youth Ministry
This is a ministry tailored to the unique needs and challenges of young people. With a team of leaders who love and understand them, these young people are getting to know God at their own pace and at their own level. Every week the G.A.N.G. meets for a powerful time of worship, fun, God’s Word.
Children’s Ministry
Kidz G.A.N.G. is the children’s ministry of Victory Outreach Church, which stands for God’s Anointed Next Generation. Every Sunday our Kidz G.A.N.G. Teachers dedicate themselves to investing in the lives of our children, with wonderful worship services, creative biblical teaching and an atmosphere of fun and excitement.
Victory Homes
This is a ministry given to the restoration of lives broken by all types of addictions. Men are welcomed into a loving Christian atmosphere and are challenged to give God their lives. These men are given an atmosphere for healing and restoration.
Men’s Victory Homes: (925) 267-3998
Women’s Victory Homes: (925) 481-2218
House Fire Life Groups
We believe life is not meant to be lived alone, and that life change happens not just in rows, but also in circles. Therefore, we’ve specifically designed our House Fire Life Groups to help a larger church feel small. We offer a variety of groups for all stages & ages of life and schedules.
Women’s Ministry
United Women In Ministry exists to uphold, encourage, and challenge Victory Outreach International women in their daily walk as disciples of Jesus Christ. The mission of United Women In Ministry is, in the larger sense, common to all Christians — that of uplifting Christ in the church and in the world.
Prayer & Visitations
This is a ministry dedicated to visiting hospitals, people with sicknesses, and people new to our community who wish to be visited. If you are sick, need prayer, or orientation of the city contact us today info@voantioch.org
We would love to visit you, and pray for your needs.
First Baptist Church, Angels Camp
(209) 736-7478
1555 Depot Rd, Angels Camp, CA 95222
Food Pantry
Grace Hills Covenant Church
1270 Suzanne Dr., Angels Camp, CA 95222
Our Fix-It team is comprised of people with various skills and a desire to help others. Our desire is to reach anyone who has a need, but is lacking in the skill or finances to accomplish the job. If you know anyone who could benefit from our service or YOU could benefit, please call the church office or Bob Pile at 352-3380.
Prince of Peace
1421 W. Ball Rd
Anaheim, CA
Dinners Wednesday at 6PM
Pacific Union College SDA Church
(707) 965-7297
10 Angwin Ave.
Angwin, CA 94508
Community Programs
Adventurer Club
A great program for kids in grades 1-4 that supports the budding faith of the young mind.
Angwin Community Services Food Pantry
Nutritious food available from our food pantry for those who experience food emergency situations.
Angwin Community Services Thrift Shop
From clothes to housewares, our thrift shop has everything you need at great prices. Open Tuesdays, the first Sunday of each month and Wednesday evenings.
Angwin Food Pantry
The pantry offers basic items such as canned fruit and vegetables, rice and dried beans, cooking oil, and foods donated by local businesses.
Home Lunches
Several times a year, church members open their homes to groups of college students for a home-cooked meal and fellowship.
A global organization of young people with emphases on camping/survival skills and leadership development.
The Neighborhood Table
Join us for free food and fellowship at this community lunch served every Thursday at noon in the Fireside Room.
Calvary Chapel
1011 N. Harbor Blvd. Anaheim CA 92801
Community Breakfast Service
SATURDAYS: 7:30-10:00 am Join us for a time of fellowship, song, prayer, and God's word!
Hosted at: Contact us for more details at:
Church building back parking lot 714.776.7833
Held by Jim Hynd / Jim Fink info@ccopendoor.com
(714) 635-0990
900 Sunkist St, Anaheim, CA 92806
Our food bank is open every Wednesday from 5:30 – 7:30pm. If you or someone you know could benefit from this free food distribution, please feel free to let them know that they can come and receive. You can also donate dry or canned foods to our food bank as well!
Kindred Community Church
8712 E Santa Ana Canyon Rd, Anaheim, CA 92808
Counseling Services
Make your request for free biblical counseling by the button below.
pdi button
The counseling ministry will contact you when your form is received. An initial appointment will be set up depending on the availability of our counselors.
If you would prefer to fill out a hard copy of this form please email counseling@kindredchurch.org to request one.
Fullerton First
(714) 871-4115
114 North Pomona Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92832
Feed the Hungry
Every third Wednesday, we join our ministry partners from the First Christian Church of Fullerton to serve dinner to the homeless and needy of our community. This is another great opportunity to service to those less fortunate and allows us to put our faith to work. Dinner is served at 6pm, with volunteers arriving by 4:30pm to help prepare the meal.
Cornerstone Church
4905 E. La Palma Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92807
Let every orphan and family experience God’s unfailing love:
Spread the Word by giving information and opportunities needed to be involved to others
Wear your Team Hope or Cornerstone t-shirt and be ready to tell others about our mission
Invite and bring a child to church with you
Participate in any one of our outreaches and missions teams
Attend special events; movie nights, miniature golf trips, Camp to Belong, etc.
Join a Team Hope athletic team
Become a bus driver or bus chaperone
Offer resources to families and individuals in the foster care system and adoption process
Host a party for foster children and/or their social workers
Mentor a child in the foster care system
Adopt a social worker
Foster a child so that they have the opportunity to experience the love of God instead of the worldly pain and suffering that they may experience in a non-Christian foster or group home
Adopt a child and give him/her a forever home, and more importantly, a forever family
Hope for Our Community
Team Hope Community Outreach provides spiritual and many times physical aid to those living in our local community.
•Support Heart Gallery - Support by sharing with others
•Feeding the homeless –Teams put together care packages and distribute them to the homeless community of Orange County
•Sharing God’s love - Prayer and witnessing
•Harvest Festival –A fall celebration on Oct 31st every year
•Easter Outreaches – Easter Egg Hunt and great food
•Orangewood Resource Center- Cooking a hot meal and sharing God's love with emancipated foster youth in Orange County.
•St. Jude Ranch for Children –Breaking the cycle of abuse and neglect by mending spirits and renewing hope
•Camp to Belong- Giving practical support for this program who’s goal is to reunite siblings who are placed in separate foster homes for much needed connection
Team Member: Pastor Joe Hogan
•Bus Ministry- A bus ministry outreach to families in our surrounding neighborhoods transporting them to church and special events. Helping children to gain a sense of value, love and hope.
Team Member: Lydia Duncan
Hope for Orphans and Families
Team Hope aims to address the mandate from the Lord to take care of the orphan (James 1:27) as well as those who work with them. In Orange County alone, there are 3,000 children in the foster care system, the average age of these children is 9 years old. While 1,500 of them are currently placed in homes, approximately 60% of these children are abused or neglected even after being placed in a home. Without a permanent, loving family, kids in the foster care system will experience, on average, three or more different placements, which is deeply unsettling for children of any age. For those who never find a family, 50% of kids who “age out” of the foster system at the age of 21 are found either homeless or incarcerated within two years. All of these numbers can be changed by simply putting our love into action. By partnering with organizations that specialize in this area, we are able to show God’s love to those who need it the most: children and young adults lost in the governmental system and those who work with them.
Cornerstone Ministries and organizations with whom we are currently working are listed below. Adopt a Block - Throughout the year this ministry team will reach out to different neighborhoods to serve them. Teams go out to pray and invite neighborhoods to church or to a special event planned for their community.
Adult Seniors - Young at Heart - We provide opportunities for teaching God’s Word, fellowship and activities for the mature/senior community.
Baby Dedications - Baby Dedication is about a commitment to put God first in your home and to trust in Him as your source of direction as you lead your family and parent your child. It is also a time for you and your spouse to share with your closest friends and family what is most important to you and to ask them for their prayer support and presence at the Dedication. Click here for more information or to register for baby dedication.
Baptisms - Baptism is an important step in your journey as a follower of Christ and an outward symbol of the work He has already done in your life. The Bible paints a beautiful picture of baptism as our identification with Jesus in His death, burial, and resurrection. When you make the decision to accept Christ as your Savior, the Bible says that your old way of life is dead, and you are beginning a new life with Christ. Click here to go to our Baptism page.
CAPA (Cornerstone Academy of Performing Arts) - CAPA is a faith-based performing arts academy founded here at the Cornerstone Church. Our Dance, Music and Voice programs are now in session! Our vision is to have a full arts academy that will one day include theater, film, and more! Click here to go to our CAPA page.
Celebrate Recovery - This is a biblical and balanced program that helps us overcome our hurts, hang-ups, and habits. We meet every Wednesday night at 7pm upstairs in the Multi-purpose room.
Classes - We offer classes throughout the year including but not limited to: pre-marital classes, Deeper courses, Discover Your Church, and more. Check our events calendar for updates on classes offered.
GriefShare - Our Grief Recovery Ministry Team exists for the purpose of extending the compassion of Jesus Christ to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. By offering an Adult Grief Recovery Support Group, GriefShare, we do our best to help anyone with their personal journey through the grieving process.
Heavens Armor - a Christian based, Mixed Martial Arts ministry that is available to both children and adults. Classes are Christ-centered, teaching physical and spiritual disciplines.
Independence Christian School - Preschool-8th Grade - Our mission is to teach and train students with a Biblical world view, promoting wise decisions and life long, God-honoring, service. Click here to go to our schools page.
Integrity Christian School - For home educating families - It is the goal of Integrity to equip families with a Christ Centered Education to live an abundant Christian life with purity, holiness, and integrity. Click here to go to our schools page.
Marriage Ministry - Providing hands-on marriage resources that make a real difference in the lives and marriages of couples today. We meet at during the 9am service on Sundays. Pre-martial classes/counseling are also offered twice a year, in the spring and fall.
Membership - Discover Your Church is a very important step for everyone who considers the Cornerstone their church or who might be interested learning more about us. In the class, Pastor Rick shares our history, mission, vision, beliefs and leadership commitment. Click here for more information about our next DYC session.
Men's Ministry - The Cornerstone Men’s Ministries (CMM) is a place to ignite and unite men towards strong integrity, humility, leadership, worship and passion for a relationship with our creator. Click here to go to our Men's Ministry page.
Missions Press - Foursquare Missions Press resources Missionaries and Christian workers throughout the world with Gospel literature, free of charge. Since 1981 they have sent over 170,000,000 tracts to more than 110 countries in 52 different languages. Operating with the generous donations of individuals and churches, FMP continues to be committed to worldwide interdenominational evangelism, and producing culturally effective Gospel materials.
Hospital Visitation Ministry - Our Visitation Ministry Team exists for the purpose of extending the compassion of Jesus Christ to those who are hospitalized or confined in their homes. If you would like to request a visit from one of our team members, please call us during office hours at (714) 701-1818 or email The Cornerstone Church. The Visitation Ministry Team will be notified and a visit will be scheduled by a Team member.
Women's Ministry - A place to connect to God through His Word and grow in relationship with other women. God created us to live in relationship – to Him and to each other. Click here to go to our Women's Ministry page.
Worship Ministry - Our services feature lively contemporary music which paves the way for a practical and relevant Bible-based message. They are designed to help participants of all ages and spiritual levels draw closer to God.
Young Adults - Axiom - A community of believers with the goal to strengthen our relationship with Christ, with one another, and the community by offering spiritual, social, and outreach opportunities.. Click here to go to our Axiom Ministry page.
Youth - United4One - Teaching, groups and opportunities for youth to connect and grow closer to each other & grow closer to God. Click here to go to our Youth Ministry page.
Church of Southland
(714) 209-7349
1380 S Sanderson Ave
Anaheim, CA 92806
Knott's Avenue Christian Church
4905 La Palma Ave, Anaheim, CA 92807
Local Outreach
Drive-Thru Food Pantry
Meeting Physical and Spiritual Needs in Our Community
Knott Avenue Christian Church is partnering every other Monday with the staff of Renaissance Park Apartments, Palm West Village apartments and Helping Hand Worldwide to serve and resource our local community from our parking lot with a “Drive-Thru Food Bank”.
Upcoming Drive-Thru Food Bank dates are: 11/23
GATES OPEN at 11:00 a.m. for cars to line up to receive food
The Drive-Thru Food Bank lasts until whenever the food runs out or 12 noon, whichever comes first.
We are looking for 20 volunteers who want to serve with the heart of Jesus to make a difference in our community. You can volunteer long as you are not showing symptoms of sickness, not pregnant, and not immuno-compromised. Masks will be worn at all times. Gloves are required after sanitizing hands.
VOLUNTEERS ARRIVE AT 10AM in the “Small/North Parking lot” by the offices.
Sign up to volunteer for the “Drive-Thru Food Pantry” for one of the following areas.
Here are some of the ways you can serve:
Food Team - Unloading the truck, sorting food, & packing boxes for families
Parking lot Team – Directing cars, lining them up, sending them to pick-up
Box Loading Team – Load completed food boxes into the back of trunks (2 needed)
Trunk Team – Only open & closes trunks (maybe doors) to keep food handlers from touching cars to keep food from being contaminated.
Prayer/Share Team – Being available to pray with people and share hope in Jesus – stand outside their car talking with them while they stay inside their car. Both English and Spanish speakers are needed.
Welcome Sign Team – Making and holding encouraging posters to welcome people as they “Drive Thru”.
Gate Keepers - Monitors keep the gates closed until 11 am except for Food Truck arrival. Also opens exit gate for people after they have received their food.
For more information contact Pastor Mike Hammontre at 714-527-5195 x 217
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Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive
Pantry Outreach
On Saturday, May 11, 2019 our church teamed up with the Cypress Post Office for the Stamp Out Hunger Food drive where postal workers collected over 20,000 pounds of food from Cypress residents and donated it to the KACC food pantry. There were 60+ people from our church who showed up to help collect, box, sort and stack all this food. All the hands and hearts that worked together we were able to process and pack all this food to provide for our weekly pantry outreach on Thursdays from 12:30-3:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. At the Knott Avenue Pantry Outreach, people are spiritually encouraged and prayed for so they can know Jesus as the BREAD of LIFE who will satisfy their souls while they are getting food to strengthen them physically.
Adult Co-Ed Volleyball League
Playing Volleyball & Sharing the Good News of God’s Love
2019 Fall B League Champs.jpg
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Action Shot Fall 2019 - C league David.jpg
Action Shot Fall 2019 Roland & Casey Double Block.jpg
Action Shot Fall 2019 - Danny & Rachel B League.jpg
Action Shot Fall 2019 - Rankin Team Rally.jpg
Action Shot Fall 2019 Michael D Spiking.jpg
Action Shot Fall 2019 B league post game congrats.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 Gabriel serving.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 Wes Spiking.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 Christy Digging.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 Scott Forbes Spiking.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 Esther bumping.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 Erwil.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 - Victor & Daniel.jpgAction shot Fall 2019 - Ball in Air.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 - C league David.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 Roland & Casey Double Block.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 - Danny & Rachel B League.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 - Rankin Team Rally.jpgAction Shot Fall 2019 Michael D Spiking.jpg
We have an “A” league for our most advanced play for people with a good knowledge and handle on the skills of volleyball, a “B” league for people who are intermediate in their skill levels and a “C” league that is a recreation “Just for Fun” league.
Volleyball Levels
Rate yourself as a 1- 6 player per the descriptions below. Mark the appropriate level of play on the Knott Avenue Volleyball Registration form when you sign up. Please be realistic and modest to ensure that everyone is playing at their ability.
1’s and 2’s will be in the “C” – Recreation / “Just for Fun” League
3’s and 4’s will be in the “B” – Intermediate League
5’s and 6’s will be in the “A” – Advanced League.
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 6+
Global Outreach TawSaeng – Chiang Mai, Thailand
In The Gap - San Carlos Apache Reservation - Arizona
Pioneer Bible Translators - West Africa
Pacific Youth Correctional - Orange County
Christ Before Youth - Santa Ana, Ca
Tumaini International - Kenya
Recovering Life Ministries - Anaheim, Ca
Beruma Ministry - India
Dynamic Church Planting International - Oceanside, CA
Wycliffe Bible Translators - South Asia
Mustard Seed Church - Osaka, Japan
Josiah Venture - Leipzig, Germany
Bridges International/CRU - UCI/Irvine, Ca
South Seas Ministries - Samoa
YWAM: Youth With a Mission - Lakeside, Montana
Bethel Church
(530) 273-8475
13010 State Highway 49 Grass Valley, CA 95945
This is a local chapter of a national ministry that helps EVERYBODY with ANY KIND of hurt, habit, or hangup in their life. Celebrate Recovery is a ministry that provides hope, encouragement, and teaching. It's a safe place to find real healing!
Thursdays 6:30 PM
Alpine Community Church
2225 W. Victoria Drive
Alpine, CA 91901
Close up of Pastor Ken at Pulpit
Pastoral Support
Pastor Ken is always available to meet with those who need a helping hand or would like a few words of comfort. He routinely visits members of our congregation who are unable to attend services, serving them Communion, and visiting those who are hospitalized.
[You can reach him by email at PastorKen@alpineucc.org.]
drawing of person pushing an occupied wheelchair
Harvey Memorial Medical Equipment
Established in 2011, this medical facility provides medical equipment on loan to members of our community at no cost. It includes a wide variety of equipment such as wheel chairs, walkers, canes, bath seats, and much more. We do accept donations of medical equipment. Please call the church office at 619-445-2110 for more information.
Many food items in the Blessing Box for people
Blessing Box
The "Blessing Box" is now installed at the front of our church by a local Eagle Scout. This box contains nonperishable food items. Members of the community are encouraged to "take what you need, leave what you can." Our Deacons will keep an eye on the supplies and replenish the box as needed.
ladies helping themselves to soup from several crock pots
Lenten Soup Suppers
Our congregation observes the Lenten season by joining together once a week during Lent to share a supper of "soup and bread." Each week volunteers bring pots of homemade soup and fresh bread to share. Pastor Ken provides a Lenten program that inspires us all.
five people standing behind eight baskets full of thanksgiving food items
Thanksgiving Baskets
Our congregation donates food items and Thrivent Financial provides monetary support for our Thanksiving Baskets. We assemble baskets brimming with turkeys and all the trimmings and deliver 15 to 20 baskets each year within our community so that all can enjoy happy blessed Thanksgiving dinners.
four people standing around christmas tree hung with more than 20 name labels
Angel Tree
At the beginnning of each December we make labels with the first names and ages of children in our community; we put them on our Angel Tree. Members of our congregation choose labels from the Angel Tree and provide Christmas gifts for the children.
Wider Mission Outreach
hands holding glass jar filled with coins
Deacon's Charities
Our church is proud to provide financial assistance through monthly Deacon's offerings to many local, national, and world-wide charities.
six women being installed as officers of the women's guild
Women's Guild
The Women's Guild meets regularly on the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in Fuller Hall providing fellowship and educational programs for the women of the church and the community. All women in the community are welcome to participate. During the year, funds are raised for mission projects designated at the beginning of the year. Money is raised with several bake sales and a Christmas Boutique in December.
30 members of our congregation standing with the large stack of christmas shoeboxes to send overseas
Operation Christmas Child
Each Christmas season we spread good news and great joy by participating in a hands-on mission outreach program through Samaritan's Purse called Operation Christmas Child. Our youth and adults partner together to pack and send gift shoeboxes filled with necessities and toys to suffering children as we share the love, joy, and hope of Jesus Christ throughout the world.
[More information here.]
Altadena Community Church
(626) 798-1185 -
943 East Altadena Drive, Altadena, CA 91001-2033
A highly valued ministry for our congregation is the Altadena Congregations Together Serving (ACTS) Food Pantry. Housed at the back of our church, the Food Pantry was started by ACC and three other Altadena congregations when we discovered that many of the local food programs are closed on the weekend. Volunteers buy the food, pack the bags, and hand them out Saturday mornings. They also prepare special holiday bags for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. We welcome people to buy and donate food from our latest needs list, or you can participate by donating money for the shopping.
Want to participate in an important social service, but don't have the time for a lengthy commitment? Join us in preparing or serving an evening meal once a month at Union Station Family Center in Pasadena. On the second Sunday of each month, a rotating team feeds 20 to 30 people at the center. Church members prepare different parts of the meal at their homes and bring it to church on Sunday. You can prepare the casserole, cook green beans, slice fruit, furnish a desert, or help serve the food that evening to very appreciative families. It is a simple yet rewarding task to help us fulfill our call to feed and serve others.
We are a member of ECPAC (Ecumenical Council of Pasadena Area Churches) and actively participate in the organization's Friends In Deed church and community partnership, which provides coordinated and effective social services to those in need in the greater Pasadena area.
Typing Prayers for Prayers and Squares
An enthusiastic group of quilters and knitters meet monthly at the church to create one-of-a-kind prayer quilts and prayer shawls. A prayer quilt is made with love and tied with prayers. Both shawls and quilts are tangible evidence of God's love and the congregation's prayers for someone in need. Anyone in the congregation may request a prayer quilt or shawl, either for themselves or for a friend or relative. Our Prayers & Squares group will make the quilt or shawl and bring it to the congregation to tie knots representing prayers, love, and concern for the recipient. The group meets the third Wednesday morning of each month. Anyone of any level of skill is invited to join us; quilting fabrics, batting, tools, and advice are freely supplied.
Friends Outside is a nonprofit organization that works with families in our local area who have a loved one incarcerated. Each year our congregation works closely with the Pasadena office to make their December holiday party special. We provide about 100 gifts for children ranging in age from infants to teens. Many of these children live in foster homes or with elderly relatives on very limited incomes. They may not have any holiday celebration except the Friends Outside party and the gifts we provide. This is a unique opportunity to help local disadvantaged children experience some joy at this special time of the year. If you would like to contribute money or a gift for this wonderful project, please call the church office. Mission Trips
ACC supports mission trips for both individuals and groups. Our most recent trip consisted of eight members and friends who traveled to For His Children, which runs two large children's homes in Ecuador. On the 10-day visit in the summer of 2010, our mission team fed and cared for children in the cities of Quito and Latacunga. Many of the children have disabilities, so the staff welcomes extra hands. We pitched in on whatever was needed, which included some painting, woodwork, and other projects to improve and maintain the facilities. We also prepared a Bible study lesson and crafts activity, which we delivered to three groups of school-age children. Part of the joy in the trip was the bonding between team members, which started prior to the trip as we planned the Bible study lesson.
Missionary Support
We are pleased to support the work of Jeffrey Mensendiek through Global Ministries (www.globalministries.org), a joint United Church of Christ and Disciples of Christ organization focused on justice, peace, and poverty issues.
The son of missionaries, Mensendiek grew up in Japan. He works to promote a culture of inclusion and tolerance and speaks against militarism in contemporary Japan. He works for justice, with particular outreach to the victims of radiation in the Fukushima nuclear disaster.
Lighthouse Bible Church Orange County
1855 N. Orange Olive Rd.
Orange, Ca 92865
Serving Our Community in OC
Fishermen’s FellowshipNeighborhood Evangelism
As a congregation, in our small groups and ministries, and as individuals, we are seeking to share the love of Christ and the good news of the gospel to our local community, to our friends, relatives, neighbors, coworkers, visitors, and many residents, in various outreach events, community service, street evangelism, and personal witnessing. Contact us at info@lighthouseoc.com to find out more.
WTLC OutreachWomen’s Transitional Living Center
Members of our church regularly volunteer at the Women’s Transitional Living Center, to provide a freshly prepared meal, run crafts and activities, share the gospel, and show loving care to the women and children being rescued from painful and difficult circumstances. In listening to their stories and loving them practically, we pray for opportunities to share Christ. Contact us at info@lighthouseoc.com to find out more.
Biblical Counseling
Our pastor and members know the painfulness and brokenness of living in this fallen world, the problems of relational heartache, and struggles against sinful habits, and it’s our desire to be of service to those needing counsel from the Word of God and the certain hope found in the grace of the gospel and a relationship with Jesus Christ. Contact us at info@lighthouseoc.com to find out more.
Homeless Ministry
Our members regularly collect donations, prepare food, toiletries, clothing, and other practical needs to distribute to our homeless friends, with a focus to sharing the good news of the gospel, and giving invitations to join our spiritual community. Contact us at info@lighthouseoc.com to find out more.
Christ the Shepherd Lutheran Church
185 W. Altadena Drive, Altadena CA 91001
Our Lord calls us to serve our neighbors in need. CTS is an avid supporter of:
The Altadena Community Food Pantry
PCC Parent Education
Friends in Deed
Friends Outside
The Bad Weather Shelter
Lutheran World Relief
CROP Walk for Hunger
On-site substance abuse recovery programs (AA, CA, Al-Anon, etc.)
Glenkirk Church
1700 Palopinto Ave, Glendora CA 91741
Glenkirk Church has extended our outreach to serve those who are currently experiencing homelessness through a new ministry called “Open Arms”. In an effort to help local individuals and families, we are providing showers, breakfast, and sack lunches on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays, from May – November. Facilities will be open from 9:00am-11:00am on these days.
Thank you for your outpour of support in volunteering for this ministry!
You can also help by giving a charitable donation to our Open Arms Ministry by clicking the link below and putting your donation amount in the ‘Homeless Care’ section of the form. WAYS TO HELP DURING COVID-19
Shepherd’s Pantry
We need help! Are you available to give 2-3 hours at any one of our 3 locations? With mandatory business closures, layoffs, and very little food on store shelves, people are depending on the services of Shepherd’s Pantry at an increasing rate. People need food.
While we understand that there are several concerns and precautions to be taken, Shepherd’s Pantry continues to take the needed steps to protect our volunteers and clients. We have recently changed our service protocols to limit contact, both individually and collectively, while maintaining the professional, compassionate, and efficient services Shepherd’s Pantry is known for.
We are looking for help with registration, food sorting, truck driving, home deliveries, and more. We can’t do this without you. As a community, we are better together!
Need for donations – While it is difficult for you to find food for you and your family, we are not asking for food donations at this time. We have been assured that we should have adequate food from Los Angeles Regional Food Bank. While the community is in this crisis mode, please DO NOT drop off clothing donations as we are closing that department temporarily. If you are able to provide financial support, this would be greatly appreciated since we are seeing an increase in our expenses related to transporting and packaging food. For more information on making a donation to Shepherd’s Pantry, please CLICK HERE. LAY COUNSELING
Glenkirk’s Lay Counseling Ministry provides trained Christian helpers for people who desire paraprofessional level counseling.
We seek to serve people at Glenkirk Church and in our community who have special needs in times of conflict or crisis.
Our counselors receive training and clinical skills based on a Christian framework. Licensed mental health professionals train and supervise our counselors to help with personal, family, marital, and relational needs as well as many other counseling areas.
There is no charge for the counseling since it is made possible by the people of Glenkirk Church through our annual budget.
Counseling is usually done on the premises of Glenkirk Church. However, due to the Covide-19 pandemic, all appointments are now being done on a computer video platform (such as Zoom) or over the phone. The person desiring the counseling may call the church office at 626-914-4833 or email laycounseling@glenkirkchurch.org.
Professional level psychopathologies (psychosis, schizophrenia, etc.) or needs requiring medical intervention or in-depth psychological testing will be referred, as soon as recognized, to appropriate agencies or professionals.
Premarital and Marital Counseling
Many of Glenkirk’s Lay Counselors are specifically trained to do premarital and marital counseling using Life Innovation’s Prepare and Enrich assessment. This assessment is done online and provides information on strengths and possible growth areas for couples. Feedback from a counselor is done over a 6-8 week period meeting once a week. There is a $35 charge to take the assessment.
An interviewer will assess the person’s need through a short intake interview and will contact the best available counselor to work with the situation. The counselor will then contact the person and arrange a time to begin the counseling process. Should it be determined that the person’s need is beyond the level of expertise of the Lay Counseling Ministry, an appropriate referral will be made.
The person desiring the counseling may call the church office at (626) 914-4833 or CLICK HERE to email our Prepare & Enrich Counseling Team.
Andrea Messinger – Compassionate Care Pastor
CLICK HERE to email Andrea
Jenn DeGraw, Guest Relations & Pastoral Administration
CLICK HERE to email Jenn
Each year, we support our partners by joining them in their ministries, such as a VBS and Women’s Bible Study in Chinle, Arizona for the Navajo every July, then visiting them again at Christmas. We’ve been in partnership with Chinle for over 20 years and the stories of personal relationships that have been built are amazing.
Three Angels Children’s Relief – Haiti
Three Angels serves orphans and at-risk families in Haiti. Their goal is to help them escape poverty, encounter Jesus, and become part of a healthy home. Three Angels work side by side, hand in hand, with those that know and love Haiti. Their desire has always been to partner with the community they serve to share and experience the love of Christ in tangible ways.
GTiHope– India
GTi Hope’s mission is to bring hope to South Asia by training and equipping indigenous leaders. Their ministries include literacy programs, self-empowerment, schools, clean water wells, and village development. Through GTi Hope’s ministry, they help move people from oppression to a place of hope and a brighter future.
For His Children Orphanage – Ecuador
Believing that all children are created in God’s image, For His Children exists as a Christ-centered ministry to homeless children, providing care in a loving and supportive environment, striving to unite them with their biological or adoptive family, and advocating on their behalf to others. For His Children is a Christ-centered ministry providing quality care to vulnerable children in Ecuador who have experienced abandonment, abuse, or neglect.
PARS Theological Centre – Europe
Pars Theological Centre exists to equip and mobilize the Iranian church by training a new generation of servant leaders to lead the church and transform the Persian-speaking world for the glory of God. PARS seeks to equip their leaders through training, resourcing, empowering, and mobilizing.
African Enterprise– Central, Southern, Western Africa
African Enterprise seeks to evangelize the cities of Africa through word and deed in partnership with the Church. They focus their efforts on stratified evangelism and discipleship, leadership enhancement, youth empowerment, community transformation, and peace building and Reconciliation. They value the authority of Scripture, commitment, excellence, integrity and unity in order to be the most faithful and effective catalyst for holistic urban evangelism in Africa.
Lake Almanor Community Church
2610 Hwy A-13, Lake Almanor, CA 96137
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind. This is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling your life.
Celebrate Recovery meets every Friday night at
Lake Almanor Community Church from
Dinner: 5:30-6:30pm
Main Meeting: 6:30-7:30pm
Small Groups: 7:30-8:30pm
Solid Rock Café: 8:30-9:30pm,
Kevin Kassel
or email at kevin@lakechurch.life
Learn more about Celebrate Recovery.
Sunday Service Time: 9:30
Masks required with indoor seating...no masks on the outdoor patio
2610 Hwy A-13, Lake Almanor, CA 96137
530-596-3683 Email: lacc@lakechurch.life
Find sermons, events and more on our app
(Search "Lake Almanor Community Church" in your favorite app store)
Global Outreach
The Global Outreach team meets monthly on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Our Global Outreach team coordinates support and information about the missionaries in the field that LACC supports.
Contact: Donna Foos, 596-4212
Bridges Community Church
(213) 309-4809
1621 S. 6th Street, Alhambra CA 91803
COVID-19 is hitting our neighborhood hard. Give to the Bridges Community Church caring fund to provide short-term (emergency) assistance and longer-term aid to ensure that individuals in need have the basic necessities such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, and medical assistance
Compass Bible Church
150 Columbia, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
There are times in life when you are struggling and need someone to come alongside and encourage you. Our pastors and counseling staff are available to help you work through whatever you might be facing with guidance from God’s word.
We believe that God has given us all we need to know him and to live in a way that is pleasing to him. All our difficulties may not disappear. But, when a person willingly submits to God’s instructions and clings to his promises, there is hope for every trial.
If you have scheduled a counseling appointment, or would like to schedule one, please fill out the form below and we will contact you.
St. Alban's Episcopal Church
(510) 525-1716
1501 Washington Avenue, Albany CA 94706
Our members are engaged and active volunteers in the church community, it’s ministries, and the communities where they live.
St. Alban’s supports multiple programs including a free community shower program for the homeless, YEAH! Youth Engagement Advocacy Housing – a program for homeless youth, and through the Ina Lawrence endowment, provides grants to selected organizations. We provide space for hundreds of community-related gatherings, including 12-step meetings, and look to continue to build on these important strengths in the years to come.
The church is also well known as a magnificent performance space for live music, and hosts multiple concerts, recitals, performances, and poetry readings. It is not uncommon for people to find us through our community work or concerts, and then join us for worship and fellowship (where our warm congregation provides a generous welcome).
San Ramon Valley United Methodist
(925) 837-5243
902 Danville Blvd, Alamo, CA 94507
MEALS WITH GRACE is our own home-grown program created to deliver meals to people both inside and outside of the church to make their COVID-19 crisis just a little bit better.
Our Meals with Grace has morphed into Putnam Clubhouse Meal Deliveries. While we are still delivering these meals with grace, we are only delivering meals to Putnam Clubhouse at this time.
We are still in need of volunteers and we invite you to get involved by sharing your time in delivering meals and writing notes/making cards.
Contact Rebecca to get involved.
To date, we have delivered nearly 800 meals to our local community.
ANGEL TREE is a great family-friendly opportunity. Our trees do look a little different this year from our traditional trees as they are virtual trees through sign-up genius.
Access the Angel Tree Sign-up page. Look through the list and select the gifts you would like to purchase. You may drop off your LABELED, UNWRAPPED gifts in the front of the church from 11 a.m. – noon on Nov. 22, Nov. 29, and Dec. 6.
Recipients include:
Two families from Hope Solutions
10 Young Ladies from Bay Area Alliance for Youth and Family Services
18 Children from Fred Finch Youth Center
50 Children from Bay Area Rescue Mission
Trinity Center Homeless
Families of Winter Nights
As always monetary donations are welcomed. We would be happy to do the shopping. You may donate funds on the Giving Page or text 833-755-0229.
Send any monetary donations in the form of a check/cash ASAP or by December 6th to:
Linda Green-Angel Tree Program
902 Danville Blvd.
Alamo Ca. 94507
Be sure to write Angel Tree Donation on the memo line of the check.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
started in 1975. The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano Counties stores and distributes donated and purchased perishable and nonperishable food items. They distribute food directly to low-income people at community sites and make food available for other nonprofit organizations serving ill or needy people and children.
Food donation bins are located in the church narthex and in the entrance to Wesley Center. SRVUMC members join in the effort with food sorting in Concord several times annually. If you are interested in volunteering for any or all of the dates, please contact Anne Kuelz. For more information on the food bank, please visit their website.
FOOD FOR THOUGHT (WALNUT CREEK) has received support from SRVUMC for the last seven years. The Food For Thought program and the recipients at Trinity Center in Walnut Creek, are blessed to have had both the financial and spiritual support of the SRVUMC community. Since this program was initially implemented, we have provided nutritious and creative lunches on Friday to about 50 clients experiencing homelessness.
Over the years, the many volunteers from SRVUMC who cook and serve the meals have found the experience rewarding. The expressions of appreciation and the smiles we get say it all. If you have time to contribute three to four hours per month on either a regular or “as needed” basis, contact Dick Lam.
St. Jarlath Catholic Church and Law Office of James M. Wood.
(415) 215-3280
2620 Pleasant St, Oakland CA 94602
Lawyer In The Pew
Talk with a volunteer lawyer for up to 20 minutes about your legal problem for free! Please sign-up beforehand. The attorney you meet may not have expertise in the area of law you need. They will make every effort to answer your question. If they are unable to answer your question they may make a referral.
Sessions are scheduled after 9:00am, 10:30am and 12:30pm Sunday Masses on:
February 3, March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, August 4, September 1, October 6, November 3 and December 1
Preparation for your session:
- Write a list of specific questions for
the attorney.
- Bring any paperwork and information related to the case
- Organize any paperwork from most recent on the top to oldest at the bottom.
- Identify all deadlines.
- Prepare a timeline of the legal issue.
For more information call (415) 215-3280 or (510)532-2068
New Life Church Alamo Campus
2501 Danville Blvd, Alamo, CA 94507
The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to become free from our addictive, compulsive, and dysfunctional behaviors. This freedom creates peace, serenity, and most importantly, a stronger personal relationship with God and others.
Email | mgruver@newlifeinfo.com
Web | celebraterecovery.com
(510) 542-9103
1275 Harbor Bay Pkwy, Alameda Ca 94501
Elderly Care Ministry started in 2008 when we visited a local nursing home to host a worship service. We’ve now expanded across four states and serve over 2,000 residents at 27 locations. Our vision is to see a worship service in every nursing home in America.
Every Sunday · Every Hour · 9 am - 6 pm
We are providing online church service content for residents in care homes. Resources include Sunday service messages, hymns, message transcripts, printable content and more.
We are passionate about both sharing stories that highlight the spiritual needs of the many short- and long-term residents of nursing homes in every one of our communities, and providing resources so that any Christian can feel equipped to help meet those needs. The video below shows some reflections of our staff that, whatever age, each person’s most important need is the gospel.
Contact us to get connected!
Reaching Out: Gifts for Bay Area Rescue Mission
We had a chance to reconnect with families at the Bay Area Rescue Mission by dropping off much-needed donations for their kids and online learning!
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Valentine's Day of Compassion 2019
Every year on Valentine’s Day our church spreads out to visit the elderly in convalescent homes. We spend time with the residents, sing together, and share a message of hope from the bible.
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Preaching Good News to the Elderly
Check out this sharing of how one of our members visited an elderly home to share a bit of God’s love with the residents.
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A college student's perspective on ministry
Check out the story of how some of our college students got to experience ministry by going to McClure Care Home and putting on a Sunday worship service for the elderly residents.
Read More →
Trinity Lutheran Church
+1 (510) 522-5220
1323 Central Ave
Alameda, CA 94501
The Lutheran Church in Rwanda
The Lutheran Church of Rwanda (LCR), a member of the Lutheran World Federation, is a rapidly growing new Lutheran church body. Started by Rwandan refugees returning from Tanzania after the genocide of 1994, its 40,000 members and 17 pastors are organized into 18 parishes with 75 congregations.
The LCR and its local congregations work to renew Rwandan communities in the wake of the 1994 genocide, which left one million people dead, the nation collapsed, and the infrastructure destroyed. Rwandan Lutherans reach out to both refugees and those who stayed in Rwanda. The LCR engages in creating sustainable peace and reconciliation by coordinating and conducting seminars and workshops for community and congregational leaders. Rwandan Lutherans are building their church and renewing their country.
Through the church-wide ELCA Global Mission unit, the ELCA relates to and is in bilateral relationship with over 80 companion churches and institutions. The ELCA Global Mission unit stewards a church-to-church relationship with the Lutheran Church of Rwanda. This relationship is deepened and extended by the LCR’s relationship, through the ELCA Companion Synods program, with the ELCA Sierra Pacific Synod.
Our Partner Congregation in Kagitumba
We partner with the Lutheran Church in Kagitumba, Rwanda in financial support, prayer support, and an exchange of stories about our ministries in Kagitumba and Rwanda.
Pastor Robert Mukundane was installed as Pastor at the Kagitumba Parish on January 7, 2018. The Lutheran congregation in Kagitumba numbers 86 people; 44 of those are under the age of 17. Kagitumba is a farming community; planting and cultivating beans and maize. They have 2 rainy seasons: the first from March to May and the second from Sept to November. The school year is from January through November.
Pentecost is more than one Sunday and on Sunday June 14th with Bread for the World we have an exciting way for us to exercise the power of the Holy Spirit. David Gist the Regional Director of Bread for the World will be with us at 11:30 am that Sunday to tell of previous successful efforts and answer questions on how we can help those in need through our letters.
We can experience the Spirit’s power in our fellowship and citizenship through our mailing or emailing letters to our Senators to make sure that the needs of the most vulnerable are met and to address avoidable hunger issues.
Find a letter template and all you need to know to send your letters in this document.
Trinity Lutheran Church
1323 Central Ave
Alameda, CA 94501
+1 (510) 522-5220 (Office)
Worship Times
8:00 AM (Casual, Brief Spoken Service with Communion)
10:30 AM (Traditional Service with Organ and Choir)
We invite you to join us this Sunday.
Christ Episcopal Church
1700 Santa Clara Ave.
Alameda, CA 94501
Other open nights are determined by weather conditions of 40 degrees or lower, and/or a 50% chance of rain in the evening.
The Alameda Warming Shelter is designed to be a warm, safe, and respectful place for homeless persons to get out of the cold and rainy weather. The shelter will be open on nights when the weather is forecast to be 40 degrees or colder or rain is predicted. Guests will be provided with dinner, a place to sleep, and breakfast. The shelter will be hosted at Christ Episcopal Church, and open the first week of December to the first week in April.
The shelter is operated by Building Futures, funded by Alameda County, hosted at Christ Episcopal Church. These services are supported by the City of Alameda, County Supervisor Wilma Chan’s office and Alameda’s caring faith communities, individuals and businesses.
Want to help out? You can arrange a monetary or item donation HERE
Shower Program Logo.jpg
The City of Alameda Community Development Department and Christ Episcopal Church, Alameda will be launching a Homeless Shower Program to provide a welcoming and sanitary personal hygiene program to members of Alameda’s homeless Community. The City provided $34,000 in funding through the State of California’s Homeless Emergency Aid Program (HEAP) for the construction of two onsite shower facilities at Christ Church. The program will be operated by volunteers from Christ Church and the wider community under the leadership of volunteer, Sally Han. The Homeless Shower Program will begin on December 3, 2020. It will operate on Thursday evenings for guests of the Alameda Homeless Warming Shelter, which is also hosted by Christ Church and operated by Building Futures, and on Saturday mornings for the unhoused community members referred by the City of Alameda’s Homeless Hotline. Both the warming shelter and the hotline are supported by the City with HEAP funds. The shower program will run year‐round. Volunteers will offer shower guests with clean towels, toiletries, new undergarments, and a 20‐minute shower. Due to Covid‐19 restrictions, shower usage will be limited to 10-12 guests per session until the pandemic eases. Strict protocols will be followed to keep guests and volunteers safe.
Want to help out? You can arrange a monetary or item donation HERE
Immanuel Lutheran Church
(510) 523-0659
1420 Lafayette St, Alameda, CA 94501
Project Ghana – Restoring a Village Preschool
ILC has helped to organize funding and will be traveling to Ghana to help restore the preschool facilities at the Nyakekye orphanage this Spring. In 2017, over $2,500 was raised by the Immanuel community, including over $100 from our own Son-Light Pre-Schoolers who collected loose change to help the children in Ghana.
Project El Salvadore – Needed Supplies
Crece Project
CRECE stands for the Central American Refugee Committee and has been working to raise support for communities in El Salvador and in the United States for a number of years. A delegation from this area will visit communities in El Salvador from July-August with Tulio Serrano, ILC church custodian, as one of the leaders of the delegation and one of the founders and a board director of CRECE itself. The purpose of the delegation will be to take donations such as: medicine, school materials, sporting materials, clothes, and shoes to some of the neediest of people.
First Congregational Church of Alameda
1912 Central Avenue - Alameda, California 94501
Dine and Connect Dinners
On the last Monday of each month volunteers are needed to help prepare, serve and clean up a communal meal for those who are unhoused or just in need of a hot meal. Volunteer for a 2-3 hour shift during the day or evening to help prep food, or to serve and clean up. Many opportunities are presented for the volunteers to sit and have a meal and get to know our neighbors. The meal is located at Immanuel Lutheran Church and is coordinated by the Alameda Interfaith Group. Contact Joan Farnsworth for more info. Good News Ministry Fund
The fund, which is supported by one of our monthly Communion Offerings, is designed to allow members of the FCCA community to apply for a small grant to be “good news to our community” by sharing our resources to meet the concrete needs of a person they are in direct contact with who is not being served by existing social services. Grants have been used for providing eyeglasses for a child without insurance, helping a low income family buy school supplies and assisting a family who experienced a fire. For more information or to get a grant application contact churchoffice@fccalameda.org. Fairmont Hospital Outreach
During the Christmas season, our Women’s Fellowship puts together toiletries for the Fairmont Hospital Chaplaincy ministry to distribute to patients in need. For more information contact Ginny Krutilek.
2914 Encinal Avenue
Alameda, CA 94501
We believe that it is our privilege and responsibility to care for each other and also to those in our community. These ministries of mercy can be expressed in many different ways
Helping Hands
Meals for shut-ins
ACRC food pantry
Safe Church program
Convalescent Home ministry. For those unable to attend regular church services, members share God’s Word at two of the convalescent homes here in Alameda.
Handicap accessibility
Assistive Listening Devices – Portable devices with earphnurseryones are available from our ushers for the benefit of those who have difficulty hearing.
Wheel Chair Accessibility– Easy access for those with walkers or in wheel chairs is through the double doors at the end of the church driveway.
Nursery care. We provide loving care for infants and toddlers through age 4 during all worship services. The nursery is located at the back of the Fellowship Hall.
Volunteering at Alameda Food Bank. A group from Alameda CRC regularly volunteers at Alameda Food Bank on the first Saturday of each month.
New Hope Lutheran Church
29295 Agoura Road, Agoura Hills, CA 91301
Meals for Times in Crisis
Our food committee provides a nutritious meal to those in a time of special circumstances. If you would like to provide a tangible gift of love to someone in need and you enjoy cooking for others, please contact the church office (818-889-8700).
California Community Church
(818) 276-1858
30125 Agoura Road, Suite B
Agoura Hills, CA 91301
Welcome to our Food Distribution Page
Every Sunday, from 1pm – 2pm, we host a drive-thru food distribution ministry.
* Everyone is welcome *No one is turned away *No eligibility required.
Our goal is to make sure that every home is fed in the Conejo Valley.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us
Calvary Victorville
760 241 0778
15081 Center Street : Victorville, CA 92395
1 Peter 4:10
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
Our purpose for this ministry is to help alleviate the stress for famlies who just had a baby or surgery by making them meals. If you would like to serve in this ministry please contact Cynthia Lewis at cynthia@calvaryvv.org.
If you are in need of a meal please contact Cynthia Lewis at cynthia@calvaryvv.org
Berkeley Chinese Community Church
2117 Acton St Berkeley, CA 94702
Global Ministry
Through donations to UCC denomination’s world-wide missions, we help to strengthen churches and fight poverties in the U.S. and all over the world. When there is a major disaster in any part of the world, our financial support or missionaries will no doubt be there to help.
Local Ministry
YEAH- (Youth Engagement Advocacy Housing) This organization provides food, shelter, counseling and educational services to the homeless youths in Berkeley. For the last 7 years, we are committed to cooking and serving meals once a month from November through May.
Cantare Children’s Choir An attempt to enrich inner city youths of Oakland through a choral program. We sponsor an annual children’s concerts and Halloween party in the Fall and raise funds to support the Choir’s program.
Christmas Caroling Each year before Christmas, we go to area retirement and senior homes to bring the Joy of Christ’s birth through songs and gifts. “Their Angels” We show support and encouragement to our overseas troops by assembling and sending care packages and writing letters. “Their Angels” meet the 1st Saturday of every month, even holidays, at a church in Richmond.
CROP Walk (Community Responding to Overcome Poverty) We walk to raise funds to benefit Church World Services, YEAH! and the Dorothy Day House in Berkeley in their continuing fight against hunger and poverty.
Alameda County Community Food Bank We collect non-perishable food for the benefit of local food banks at the Advent season each year.
Acton Community Presbyterian Church
32142 Crown Valley Road
PO Box 177
Acton, California 93510
Monthly Food Pantry
Leader: Elders Clay and Betsey Jones
Monthly Food Pantry
For information [click web link here->] www.scvfoodpantry.org or go to our "Link" page on this website and click on that link.
The Monthly Food Pantry is held on the second Thursday of each month at Hedgecock Hall. Our church serves as a satellite location for the Santa Clarita Food Pantry who bring their van, fully loaded, to Acton each month. Local organizations also hold periodical food drives to benefit the food pantry and to assist those families assisted by the Food Pantry. Any family residing in the Acton-Agua Dulce areas is eligible and welcome to apply for Food Pantry benefits. If you have not been taking advantage of this service, please come on the second Thursday, bring identification and proof of residency and income level, and apply with one of the friendly volunteers who will keep all information in strictest confidence.
We thank you for donations.
Local organizations and community who have assisted the Food Pantry with their food drives:
Community donations in RED BARREL at The New Acton Market
Thousand Trails Campground
The Acton Community at large Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels
To sign up [Click on web link ->] https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScL-bbIviqm6YJhXOYddSNE2QKwleK-YRyw_r8-7b2MuL15SA/viewform
or go to our "Links" page on this website and click on that link.
Elderly Nutrition Program (Meals)
SBCC Thrive LA is identifying older adults who may need free home-delivered meal services during the COVID-19 emergency. These services are provided by L.A. County Department of Workforce Development, Aging & Community Services (WDACS). https://wdacs.lacounty.gov/
We are currently looking for individuals who are homebound over the age of 60 in the more remote areas of the Antelope Valley. Please fill out this form completely. If you are having trouble filling out the form, please call (800) 510-2020 between 8 am and 5 pm, Monday through Friday and someone from the WDACS office will help you sign up. Ministry for needy families
The Food Pantry is available for all eligible families and individuals in the Acton/Agua Dulce area. All low-income persons are welcome to register with the Food Pantry by bringing proof of residency in the Acton/Agua Dulce area as well as proof of income level. The Acton Church serves the community through cooperation with the Santa Clarita Food Pantry and is a satellite location for that community outreach. The Santa Clarita Food Pantry van comes to Acton on the second Thursday of each month.
We encourage all who have clothing to give away to take their donations to the Grace Resource Center for their Thrift Store, 45134 Sierra Highway, Lancaster. The church does not have any outlet for clothing donations at this time. As a food distribution site it is against the policies of the Dept. of Agriculture to have food and clothing distribution at the same sites.
City Park Church
804 S Wolcott
Casper WY 82601
Food Bank Spreading God's Love
We are looking for Food Bank Volunteers. Please email the church if you are willing.
We have a Food Distribution every Tuesday between 5 and 6PM. Check with the church for directions on how to receive a box of food.
Salvation Army
222 S. Gillette Ave., #608, Gillette
Food & Nutrition Programs
Emergency Shelter
Seasonal Services
Casework Services
Emergency Shelter
Salvation Army Family Store
Salvation Army
601 E. 20th Street, Cheyenne
Disaster Services
Emergency Financial Assistance
Food & Nutrition Programs
Emergency Shelter
Seasonal Services
Casework Services
Camping Activities
Senior Citizen Clubs
Christian Education
Women's Ministries
Worship Services - Sunday School
Worship Services - Youth Ministries
Worship Services - Children's / Teen
Worship Services - Church
Music & Arts Programs
Men's Ministries
Character Building Programs
Food & Nutrition
Salvation Army
712 East Canby, Laramie
Emergency Financial Assistance
Emergency Shelter
Seasonal Services
Casework Services
Vance Memorial
Presbyterian Church
905 National Road
Wheeling, WV 26003
Food Pantry
The Deacons of the Vance Memorial Presbyterian Church organize a food pantry to help those in need in our community. Our food pantry is here to give assistance to families in between their times of assistance from other outside sources.
We are a small pantry for temporary help only and funded by the generous giving of our congregation.
Since we are a small pantry we unfortunately do have some giving guidelines.
Ohio County Residents only
Amount given to families is determined by their size
1 bag of food to families of 1-3 members
2 bags of food to families of 4 or more members
Bags to be given to families once a month only
Patrons are to call the office to arrange a pick-up time
Records are kept by the office – address, family size, date of pickups etc.
Office has information on other churches or organizations in the area to secure help
Current Needs
Peanut Butter
Hot and Cold Cereals
Crackers of any variety
Boxes for donations are located in the Narthex and near the church office.
**All donations are appreciated!**
Baptist Temple Parkersburg
1825 Park Avenue
Parkersburg, WV, 26101
The Fishes and Loaves Food Pantry is part of the Baptist Temple Parkersburg initiative of neighbor helping neighbor in our community.
The food pantry is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am-11am.
Volunteers are always needed to help feed families in our community.
If you want to volunteer or are in need of assistance call 304-428-4494.
If you are a Krogers shopper help us fill this pantry by following the following directions:
Simply encourage your members to register online at krogercommunityrewards.com
Be sure to have your Kroger Plus card handy and register your card with your organization after you sign up.
If a member does not yet have a Kroger Plus card, please let them know that they are available at the customer service desk at any Kroger.
Click on Sign In/Register
Most participants are new online customers, so they must click on SIGN UP TODAY in the ‘New Customer?’ box.
Sign up for a Kroger Rewards Account by entering zip code, clicking on favorite store, entering your email address and creating a password, agreeing to the terms and conditions
You will then get a message to check your email inbox and click on the link within the body of the email.
Click on My Account and use your email address and password to proceed to the next step.
Click on Edit Kroger Community Rewards information and input your Kroger Plus card number.
Update or confirm your information.
Enter NPO number or name of organization, select organization from list and click on confirm.
To verify you are enrolled correctly, you will see your organization’s name on the right side of your information page.
REMEMBER, purchases will not count for your group until after your member(s) register their card(s).
Do you use your phone number at the register? Call 800-576-4377, select option 4 to get your Kroger Plus card number.
Members must swipe their registered Kroger Plus card or use the phone number that is related to their registered Kroger Plus card when shopping for each purchase to count.
Matthew 25:34-40
“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Beth Haven Baptist Church
(304) 594-0789 leave a voice message
65 Lower Rockley Rd. * Morgantown, WV 26508
The last Sunday of every month our church ministers to the spiritual and material needs of the hungry and the homeless (H&H) of Morgantown.
We meet them in the courthouse square and feed them hot food, fruit, snacks, and drinks. We also provide a wide variety of toiletries and socks, t-shirts, hats, gloves, scarves, coats, etc.
We also minister to any spiritual needs that come to our attention as we bond and communicate with each one. A very brief sermon is preached, a hymn is sung, and prayer is made.
Central United Methodist Church
1043 Jefferson Avenue, Huntington, West Virginia 25704, United States
Contact them for help Central's Mission Team works within our congregation and the community with home repair assistance and they distribute food baskets to needy families during the holidays.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
101 E 38th St Tacoma WA 98404
Nourish Pierce County (Formerly, FISH) Mobile food bank is at Bethlehem Lutheran on Mondays 1-3 p.m. Volunteers are welcome to help greet and serve guests. “Starter Kits” of newborn necessities assembled & distributed through a variety of local social service agencies.
Beacon Avenue United Church
6230 Beacon Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98108
Beacon Avenue Food Bank
Open Wednesdays and Fridays noon-2pm - Clients may come once a week. Valid original state ID is required to receive food.
Our baby cupboard is open the third week of the month for diapers and formula. Medical coupons and/or birth certificates are required to receive diapers.
We receive donations on Tuesdays 8-10am, Wednesdays and Fridays 8-2pm, and Thursdays 9-1pm.
Volunteers are welcome to help us receive, re-pack and distribute food to the hungry. Let us know if you wish to donate or volunteer.
In 2011 the food bank distributed 471,410 pounds of food to 21,665 families (68,517 individuals). This Food Bank is a non-profit 501(c)3, that is an outreach program of the Bethany United Church of Christ. Operating since 1987, it provides donated and purchased food to needy families at no cost.
Contact: 206-722-5105; beaconavefoodbank@gmail.com
6230 Beacon Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98108
Audubon Park United Methodist Church
(509) 325-4541
3908 N. Driscoll Blvd, Spokane, WA 99205
In the basement of Audubon Park UMC there are three very special ministries that are near and dear to our hearts! The Audubon Park Food Bank, our Tuesday Morning Breakfast, and Bare Necessities Ministries. Find out more about each of these ministries below!
Each month hundreds of pounds of food are donated and distributed through the Audubon Park Food Bank. The Food Bank works with Second Harvest to provide healthy food to those in our service area.
The Audubon Park Food Bank is open on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month from 8:30 am - 11:30 pm. Zip Codes served: 99026 (Nine Mile Falls, Spokane County only), 99205 (north of Montgomery, west of Division). No appointment is necessary. We serve clients one time per month.
You can find our current Food Bank Calendar here.
Want to help? There is always a need for volunteers. Keeping this food pantry open and running is a big job! Volunteer opportunities include stocking and distribution of food or simply visiting with the families while they wait.
Contact our church office for more information on how you can help!
Our Tuesday Morning Breakfast is currently closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We look forward to serving you again when it is safe to do so. Updates will be posted here and on our Facebook page as they are available
What began as an offer of a hot cup of coffee and a dry, warm place to wait for the food bank has transformed into a weekly hot breakfast, produce and baked goods program. Each week truckloads of groceries are collected, weighed, sorted and handed out to those in need.
Open to all, the mission of this ministry is to treat everyone with respect and dignity. Volunteers provide a friendly atmosphere where all are welcomed. They work diligently to feed the guests body and soul.
Volunteers are always needed to collect and sort food and donations on Mondays, serve food on Tuesdays, or clean up afterwards.
Check out the video below or contact the office for more information.
December 3, 2018
The mission of the Bare Necessities is to support the Audubon Park Food Bank clients by offering personal hygiene and household cleaning products, because every person has the right to feel clean.
The Bare Necessities is a free store that offers the “Basics” to those who come to utilize our food bank. Sandi Nicol, a church member, realized after a tooth brush drive that the clients probably need them, as well as, other hygiene and cleaning supplies on a regular basis, just like we all do. She started taking donations for these items and now hosts the Bare Necessities Non-Food Pantry twice a month, where guest can “shop” from the donated items. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic guests are currently given items prepared ahead of time. Our offerings are limited but we are commited to continue to help those in need with what we can.
Want to help? If you are friendly and willing to help people shop and answer simple questions about products, consider volunteering with the Bare Necessities or if you would like to donate items contact the church office.
You can also connect with this ministry through our Bare Necessities facebook page to find out donation needs and other ways you can support this ministry.
Compass Church
(360) 695-8448
1812 Main Street
Vancouver, WA 98660
A Better Tomorrow Missional Community
Tori & Jesse LaDeane lead A Better Tomorrow Missional Community! They serve a safe and healthy meal to the homeless community in downtown Vancouver every Saturday at 11am. Contact Tori to find out how you can join them!
Antioch Missionary Baptist Church Norfolk
(757) 543-1980
525 Dinwiddie St, Norfolk, VA 23523
The Helping Hands Food Bank Ministry
Our Mission is to create access to good healthy food in the Berkley community. Food is distributed the second and fourth Wednesdays each month, except the month of August when it is closed.
Ministry Leaders:
Sis. Catherine Roberson
Vice Ministry Leader: Sis. Lettie Askew
Contact Us
Rev. Dr. Nathaniel Roberson
Sister: Elaine Smith
Sister: Gladys Howell
Brother: Alvin Thorogood
Blue Sky Church
(425) 556-9399
1720 130th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98005
Hand out food bags